

Features 3 minutes

Experiencing The Beauty Of Kaiseki In Kyoto

Nowhere is Japan’s elegant culinary philosophy and prowess better expressed than in colourful and complex kaiseki cuisine.

Features 5 minutes

$9,000 On Crabs and A Wedding Feast For 300: Crazy Rich Asian’s Food Stylist Shares What Went Behind The Indulgent Dining Scenes

In an exclusive interview, Singaporean chef-consultant John See gives us a behind-the-scenes look at creating the fabulous food scenes in the hit Hollywood movie.

Features 3 minutes

Happy 120th Birthday Bibendum: The Michelin Man As You Have Never Seen Him Before

To celebrate the birthday of the beloved Michelin icon, we uncover six never-seen-before drawings of the Bibendum by the Michelin Design Studio from our archives.

Features 1 minute

Upgrade Your Wine Knowledge With These Five Books

One can never know enough when it comes to the world of wine.

Features 1 minute

5 Lesser Known Southeast Asian Herbs Demystified

You can tell turmeric from galangal and thai basil from sweet basil so what's next? Here's five more lesser known herbs to add to your culinary dictionary.

Features 1 minute

Kitchen language: What is sous vide?

Brush up on your food terminology with us, from commonplace colloquialisms to obscure obsessions, as we demystify culinary lingo in our Kitchen Language column.

Features 2 minutes

Yukimuro: The Japanese Science Of Snow Aged Food

Coffee, sake, vegetables and wagyu undergo an amazing taste-transformation in this snowy traditional storage method.

Features 1 minute

A Guide To Sushi Beyond Fatty Tuna

We're all familiar with the ubiquitous salmon and maguro. Now get acquainted with these lesser-known cuts that are just as, if not more, tasty.

Features 2 minutes

The Only Wine Glass You'll Ever Need

Sometimes it seems like there are more wine glass options out there than wine varietals themselves. What’s an oenophile low on shelf space to do?

Features 1 minute

5 Dishes To Know In Southern Thai Cuisine

Popular Bangkok-based restaurant Khua Kling Pak Sod introduces us to the signature dishes that make up Southern Thai food.

Features 2 minutes

The A-Z Guide To The Michelin Universe

All you need to know about the prestigious red guide, in small nibbles.

Features 1 minute

What The MICHELIN Guide's Logos Mean

Pictures say a thousand words and that's no different for these logos.

Features 2 minutes

Zooming In on the Three Stars: Frantzén, Stockholm

Taking a closer look at our newest Three Star Restaurant