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Dining In 2 minutes

Recipe: Thai Red Curry Paste

Some of the best Thai dishes start with a solid homemade curry paste. The chef of MICHELIN-starred Ruean Panya in Bangkok breaks down its components.

Dining In 2 minutes

Ingredient: Dried Tangerine Peel

The natural fragrance of dried tangerine peels make them a great addition to a slew of traditional Cantonese dishes.

Dining In 3 minutes

Technique Thursday: Chinese-style Smoking

Smoking heated tea leaves or wood shavings imparts colour, aroma and fragrance to ingredients and is one of the techniques of Chinese cuisine.

Dining In 4 minutes

5 Ways To Recycle Your Used Coffee Grounds

After brewing your cup of coffee, do not let the coffee grounds go to waste — they can be given a new purpose if you know the ways. Here are five suggestions on how to put them to good use.

Dining In 2 minutes

Ingredient: Pork Caul Fat

In traditional Cantonese cooking, lacy pork caul fat is the secret to injecting extra aroma and a loose, crispy texture to the dishes.

Dining In 1 minute

Kitchen Language: What Is A Bouquet Garni?

This little herb packet adds flavourful French flair to stews, stocks and sauces.

Dining In 1 minute

Technique Thursday: What Is Emulsification?

What you need to know about the technique for making the creamiest, silkiest sauces and dressings.

Dining In 2 minutes

Technique Thursday: Velveting In Chinese Cooking

Velveting is the trick that Chinese restaurants use to make their stir-fried meats so deliciously silky and tender.

Dining In 2 minutes

Ingredient: Pigeon Egg

When you put them side by side, a pigeon egg may be dwarfed by its larger counterparts laid by other winged creatures. But despite its petite size, this so-called animal ginseng finds its way to the most exclusive banquets.

Dining In 3 minutes

7 Things To Know About Kiwi

The fruit, not the bird.

Dining In 2 minutes

Ingredient: Golden Monk Fruit

To stay cool in this hot and humid weather, turn to the on-trend golden monk fruit.

Dining In 2 minutes

6 Most Common Varieties Of Edible Seaweed

These vegetables of the sea are tasty, versatile and packed with nutrients.

Dining In 4 minutes

Recipe: Momofuku Noodle Bar’s Shiitake Buns

David Chang shares his recipe for the popular and addictive dish from his first restaurant.

Dining In 3 minutes

Recipe: Naturally-dyed Easter Eggs And 5 Ways To Decorate Them

This Easter, have fun with the children and colour your Easter eggs with a pretty and natural twist.

Dining In 2 minutes

Recipe: Teochew Oyster Pancake

Learn how to make classic Teochew oyster pancakes with the recipe shared by Michelin Plate restaurant Pak Loh Chiu Chow in Hong Kong.

Dining In 2 minutes

Ingredient: Hawthorn

Hawthorn is your saviour whenever you have a substantial or greasy meal.

Dining In 2 minutes

Technique Thursdays: Aspic

The thought of jiggly savoury meat jelly might be off-putting to some, but the long process of putting together a proper aspic is part of its lingering appeal.

Dining In 1 minute

Huat To Say During Lo Hei

Don’t know what to say at the reunion table during lo hei? Here are some tips to remember the auspicious sayings that will knock your relatives’ socks off.