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Features 2 minutes

How To Differentiate Oyster Varieties

Here's how to tell oysters from the US, France and Australia apart.

Features 2 minutes

Know Your Winter Fruit: Pumpkins and Squash

Carved into lanterns, fashioned into fairytale carriages, or baked into delicious pie, learn more about the humble yet versatile pumpkins and squash and find out how they are served in MICHELIN restaurants around Singapore.

Dining Out 1 minute

How do chefs around the world cook their eggs?

Today's spotlight are signature dishes that give you a happy little boost for your brain!

Dining In 1 minute

Pantry Ingredient: Consider Capers

Mini in size but mighty in flavour, capers are intrinsic to a myriad of cuisines and have grown for thousands of years around the Mediterranean, North Africa, and more recently, Southern Australia.

Dining In 2 minutes

How To Cook With Alcohol

Chef Gabriel Kreuther explains how he cooks with alcohol—especially wine—at two MICHELIN star restaurant in New York City.

Wellness 2 minutes

Dear Dairy: 5 Delicious Plant-Based Milk Alternatives To Replace Cow's Milk

Every year, 1 June is marked as World Milk day. Whether you're lactose intolerant or simply looking for new flavours, here's what you can look out for.

Dining In 6 minutes

Essential Pantry Ingredients For Every Home Cook

Six chefs from MICHELIN Guide-featured restaurants in Hong Kong share their pantry essentials and simple tips for cooking with them at home.

Dining In 2 minutes

Necks And Collars Are A Chef's Best Kept Secrets

These often overlooked, meaty cuts are full of flavour and many a chef's favourite fish and meat parts in MICHELIN-starred kitchens.

Features 6 minutes

Exploring Okinawa's Farms and Fisheries With Chef Tomoyuki Kiga

We travelled to the southernmost island of Japan with Akira Back Singapore’s chef Tomoyuki Kiga to uncover the prefecture's lesser known produce and fresh inspiration.

Features 4 minutes

These Aphrodisiacs Will Spice Up Your Valentine's Day Dinner

Six chefs from MICHELIN-listed restaurants across Asia recommend lust-boosting ingredients from their cuisines and their favourite dishes to set you in the mood for love.

Features 4 minutes

The Favourite Ingredients Of Our MICHELIN Inspectors

We asked some of our inspectors to share with us the ingredients they love the most and why.

Dining In 2 minutes

Ingredient: Dried Tangerine Peel

The natural fragrance of dried tangerine peels make them a great addition to a slew of traditional Cantonese dishes.

Dining In 2 minutes

Ingredient: Pork Caul Fat

In traditional Cantonese cooking, lacy pork caul fat is the secret to injecting extra aroma and a loose, crispy texture to the dishes.

Dining In 1 minute

Ingredient: Cloudberries

Find out why the Swedish call this fruit "the gold of berries".

People 2 minutes

Dan Barber's Row 7 Seeds Is Determined To Change The Growing Process

The dream team behind the company engages both farmers and chefs to change the everyday plants we see in our diets.

Dining In 2 minutes

Ingredient: Tempeh

Versatile and nutritious, these cakes of fermented soya beans covered in white mould make for a delicious plant-based protein alternative.

Dining In 2 minutes

Ingredient: Pigeon Egg

When you put them side by side, a pigeon egg may be dwarfed by its larger counterparts laid by other winged creatures. But despite its petite size, this so-called animal ginseng finds its way to the most exclusive banquets.