Sustainable Gastronomy 3 minutes 28 June 2024

Loveurth: Where Familiar Flavors Meet Plant-Based Innovation

From Eel Rice Bowl to Udon: Loveurth's Bold Vegan Creations

In the bustling heart of Busan’s vibrant culinary scene, a hidden gem is emerging, capturing the spotlight and captivating the palates of food lovers both near and far. Loveurth, the brainchild of the visionary chef Han-Sol Kim and the innovative chef Jung Myeong won, is redefining vegan cuisine in extraordinary ways. By harmonizing beloved flavors with cutting-edge plant-based ingredients, Loveurth creates a dining adventure that dispels the outdated myth of vegan food as dull and lifeless.

From left, Chef Kim Han-Sol and Chef Jung Myeong won are talking to each other in the kitchen of Loveurth.
From left, Chef Kim Han-Sol and Chef Jung Myeong won are talking to each other in the kitchen of Loveurth.

The Genesis of Loveurth

Chef Han-Sol Kim's journey into veganism and culinary innovation began with a documentary about the health effects of meat dairy and egg consumption. That experience motivated her to adopt a vegan lifestyle while living in Canada where she explored a variety of vegan options and honed her self-taught cooking skills. Returning to Korea in April 2019 Kim saw a gap in the market for delicious vegan meals. Along with her friend and co-founder Jung Myeong won who shared the same vision, Kim opened Loveurth in July 2020 aiming to make plant-based food appealing to both vegans and non-vegans alike.

The restaurant name 'Loveurth' combines the words love, earth, and us, symbolizing a message of loving both the planet and ourselves.
Loveurth's menu reflects Kim's philosophy: vegan food should be flavorful and satisfying. "People often say vegan food doesn’t taste good. It wasn’t mainstream then so I focused on making tasty vegan dishes" Kim explains. This commitment to taste is evident in their signature dishes including vegan versions of everyday favorites like burgers, pasta, tacos, and sandwiches. To attract a wider audience, they placed a sign in front of the door that reads "plant-based café" instead of "vegan café."

One standout dish is their vegan eel rice bowl, a creative adaptation of a beloved traditional meal. "We experimented with tofu for texture and seaweed for flavor. It turned out similar to what we remembered," Kim recalls. This meticulous attention to recreating familiar flavors using plant-based ingredients sets Loveurth apart.

Tropical Taco: A vibrant taco filled with romaine lettuce, golden kiwi, banana, zesty tomato salsa, vegan mince, sunflower seeds, jalapeños, and a tangy vegan sour cream made from cashew nuts.
Tropical Taco: A vibrant taco filled with romaine lettuce, golden kiwi, banana, zesty tomato salsa, vegan mince, sunflower seeds, jalapeños, and a tangy vegan sour cream made from cashew nuts.

Innovative Ingredients and Techniques

Kim’s culinary creativity shines through in her use of innovative ingredients. From cashews and nutritional yeast to tofu and seaweed, she crafts dishes that are both nutritious and delicious. "Vegan ingredients might be unfamiliar to some, so I focus on flavor," she says. This approach is particularly evident in their popular cold pasta with fresh corn and wild chervil pesto, a dish that highlights the potential of vegan cuisine to be both fresh and indulgent.

In developing her recipes, Kim emphasizes the importance of appealing to a wide audience. "I invested a lot of time in developing recipes and tested them with non-vegan friends and family," she explains. This rigorous testing process ensures that Loveurth's dishes not only meet but exceed expectations, providing a satisfying experience for all diners.

Loveurth's dedication to quality and customer satisfaction extends to their flexibility in accommodating feedback. "We are very open to customer feedback and make adjustments to our menu based on their suggestions," Kim said. Initially, they created a burger patty without any meat substitutes. While it was praised for its taste, feedback indicated it crumbled too easily. In response, they switched to using a store-bought vegan patty. This new patty was well-received by non-vegans, but some vegans found it too similar to real meat and chose not to eat it. "Some even opted to remove the patty altogether," Kim noted. "It became clear that those unaccustomed to the taste of meat did not appreciate the flavor or aroma. As a compromise, we now use vegan mince and incorporate ingredients like chickpeas and shiitake mushrooms to add a touch of vegetable flavor, creating a patty that caters to a broader range of preferences."

This customer-centric approach ensures that Loveurth continually evolves to meet the needs and preferences of its diners.

Vegan Tofu 'Eel' Rice Bowl: Savory tofu and mushrooms crafted to mimic eel, simmered in a homemade soy-based sauce and served over a bed of rice for a deliciously comforting meal.
Vegan Tofu 'Eel' Rice Bowl: Savory tofu and mushrooms crafted to mimic eel, simmered in a homemade soy-based sauce and served over a bed of rice for a deliciously comforting meal.

Thriving Vegan Market Rooted in Sustainability

"The rise of veganism in Korea, though still in its early stages, is gaining momentum," Kim shares. "There aren’t many vegan restaurants in Busan, but there are more in Seoul. However, large food companies are releasing vegan processed foods, indicating a growing interest and market." This trend suggests a burgeoning market and increasing acceptance of veganism driven by ethical beliefs and environmental concerns.

Loveurth’s commitment to sustainability extends beyond the kitchen. They offer discounts to customers who bring reusable containers, a practice that aligns with their broader environmental philosophy. "We started with a focus on animal welfare and health, but realized veganism also greatly benefits the environment," Kim says. This initiative not only encourages sustainable practices but also resonates with environmentally conscious diners, enhancing Loveurth's appeal.

Loveurth's dedication to quality and innovation has not gone unnoticed. The restaurant has been recognized with a Michelin Bib Gourmand in 2023, highlighting its exceptional value for money. This accolade underscores Loveurth's success in crafting delicious and accessible vegan meals.

Creamy Mushroom Burger: This burger brings together a patty made from mushrooms, onions, chickpeas, and soy protein, paired with a creamy blend of potatoes, cashew nuts, and mushrooms. Nestled in an organic wheat bun, the burger also features a rich mushroom and potato cream, spicy jalapeño mayo, tangy tomato pesto, fresh lettuce, ripe tomatoes, and onions.
Creamy Mushroom Burger: This burger brings together a patty made from mushrooms, onions, chickpeas, and soy protein, paired with a creamy blend of potatoes, cashew nuts, and mushrooms. Nestled in an organic wheat bun, the burger also features a rich mushroom and potato cream, spicy jalapeño mayo, tangy tomato pesto, fresh lettuce, ripe tomatoes, and onions.

Future Aspirations

Looking ahead, Kim and Jung at Loveurth are excited about the future of vegan cuisine. "Veganism used to be driven by religious or health reasons. Now it's more about ethical beliefs regarding animals and the environment," she observes. This shift in perception is something Loveurth aims to capitalize on, continuing to push the boundaries of what vegan food can be.

"We try to veganize foods we love. For instance, we loved eel rice bowls and thought, why not make a vegan version?" Kim says. This spirit of innovation and love for food is at the heart of Loveurth's mission, promising a bright and delicious future for plant-based cuisine.

Berry-Banana Tofu Cream Cheese Bagel: A delightful bagel topped with vegan butter, tofu-based cream cheese, fresh strawberries, banana slices, organic strawberry jam, chia seeds, and baby greens.
Berry-Banana Tofu Cream Cheese Bagel: A delightful bagel topped with vegan butter, tofu-based cream cheese, fresh strawberries, banana slices, organic strawberry jam, chia seeds, and baby greens.

Sustainable Gastronomy

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