Dining Out 1 minute 17 September 2018

Eating Off Duty with Einat Admony

We explore what celebrated chefs eat outside their kitchens.

Born and raised in Tel Aviv, Einat Admony cooked by her mother's side before going on to serve in the Israeli army both as a driver and an ad hoc cook. She went to culinary school in Israel and found her way to New York City where she has worked in many of the city's best restaurants.

Admony is currently the owner of Taïm, Balaboosta (which is scheduled to reopen at the end of September) and Kish-Kash, and author of the cookbook Balaboosta​. In addition, Admony is proud to announce her new cookbook Shuk will be launching in fall 2019.

What is the last thing you ate?
Pad Thai from a take-away neighborhood joint called Thai Holic in Fort Greene, Brooklyn.

It's your day off. What do you order for breakfast and where? (Outside of your own restaurants.)
I like a Mexican breakfast—chilaquiles is my favorite—but anything with eggs, avocado and beans would be great.

Controversial question: Do you believe in brunch?
I believe brunch is a great fit for young adults that wake up late on weekends and need some crazy heavy food to soften a hangover. I grew up having healthier foods for breakfast so steak and eggs is not a concept I can [wrap] my mind around.

What is your 2:00 a.m. food order or favorite spot?
I barely ever eat so late, raising two kids completely changed my eating habits. I do like Via Carota or Blue Ribbon for late-night dining.

What is your local coffee shop?
I'm a simple person who doesn't really understand all the new trends of acidic coffee and flavors at pretentious coffee places. I usually drink French press coffee at home and love Cafe Mogador for a great cappuccino.

Where do you go when you travel to your favorite city?
Tel Aviv. I would go to M25 who specializes in Israeli style grilling and Santa Katarina for delicious, simple, local, Israeli-ish food.

What is the "laziest" meal you put together for yourself this past week?
It's a funny question as I always cook. I never really get too lazy when it comes to cooking for me or my family. I'd rather order food then get lazy on my meal. The last simple meal I made for myself was a sunny-side up egg, Israeli salad, sliced avocado, pickled pepper and multigrain toast.

What is your favorite snack food and why?
Bamba—it's an Israeli puff snack made from peanuts and rice. You can find it today in most big grocery stores and it's the taste of childhood for me.

What is your guilty pleasure?
Schnitzel sandwich with nice harissa mayo, pickles, lettuce and toasted brioche bread.

Photo courtesy of Einat Admony.

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