Rong Xian Mian Guan (Qianjiang Road)
629 Qianjiang Road, Shangcheng, Hangzhou, 中國
查找我附近的可預訂餐廳Rong Xian Mian Guan (Qianjiang Road)
629 Qianjiang Road, Shangcheng, Hangzhou, 中國
This shop with over 20 years of history moved to this location a few years ago. Its signature sliced fish noodle soup with pickled cabbage isn't commonly found in Hangzhou-style noodle shops: thin slices of lean snakehead fish is briefly blanched in a fish bone stock with spices and pickled cabbage. Traditional noodles such as pian er chuan and ban chuan are best enjoyed with marinated meats such as chicken feet, duck's head or meatballs.