Dining In 1 minute 18 December 2017

Festive Entertaining: 3 Slow-Cooker Christmas Drinks

These warm and wonderful beverages will make your home smell like Christmas all day long.

For many a busy home cook, the slow-cooker is the work horse of the kitchen, toiling away on the kitchen countertop unsupervised, turning soups and stews into deeply flavourful, wonderfully satisfying dinners at the end of a long day.
The slow cooker is the workhorse of the kitchen, breaking down soups and stews and now brewing beverages.
The slow cooker is the workhorse of the kitchen, breaking down soups and stews and now brewing beverages.
Now, put this versatile gadget to work filling your house with the fragrance of Christmas: cloves and cinnamon, nutmeg and chocolate. The gentle, even heat from a slow cooker makes it perfect for mulling wine with spices, melting chocolate for the most luscious hot cocoa, and brewing homemade eggnog.

If you’re entertaining this Christmas, try your hand at one of these simple recipes that will not only perfume your house with the scents of the Yuletide season, but provide lots of fun for your guests to help themselves to the drinks and customizing their own toppings and garnishes.

Creamy Hot Chocolate
Creamy Hot Chocolate
Creamy Hot Chocolate
Serves 10-15

6 cups whole milk
2 cups heavy cream
½ cup brown sugar
200g semi-sweet chocolate, chopped
¼ cup cocoa powder
1 tsp vanilla extract

Optional toppings:
Whipped cream
Cinnamon powder or sticks
Peppermint candy cane

1. In a large slow-cooker, mix all the ingredients for the hot chocolate together with a whisk till well-combined.
2. Cook on high for about 3 hours, whisking every 45 mins to make sure the chocolate on the bottom doesn’t get burnt.
3. To prepare for serving, switch to low and remember to whisk the mixture every hour. Put out your toppings have your guests help themselves with a ladle.
Hot Mulled Wine
Hot Mulled Wine
Hot Mulled Wine
Serves 10-15

2 bottles of red wine (1.5 litres)
100ml Cointreau
½ cup maple syrup
Peel of 1 orange (white pith removed)
2 cinnamon sticks
3 star anise
4 cloves

Optional garnishes:
Orange slices
Cinnamon sticks
Star anise

1. Combine all the ingredients in a slow-cooker and stir.
2. Heat on low for about an hour till the mulled wine gets hot and switch to ‘keep warm’ setting. Don’t cook on high or leave the mulled wine to boil as that evaporates the alcohol.
3. Leave on ‘keep warm’ setting for serving. Let your guests ladle into mugs and garnish to taste.

Velvety Spiced Eggnog
Velvety Spiced Eggnog
Velvety spiced eggnog
Serves 10-15

12 egg yolks (save the whites for these recipes!)
2 cup sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
6 cups whole milk
2 cups heavy whipping cream
½ cup rum (optional)
1 cinnamon stick
2 nutmeg seeds

Optional garnishes:
Cinnamon stick
Dash of ground cinnamon or nutmeg
Peppermint candy cane

1. In a mixing bowl, whisk the egg yolks and sugar until smooth. In another bowl or jug, stir the vanilla extract, milk and cream together.
2. Pour the milk mixture slowly into the egg mixture, stirring gently. Add in the rum and mix well.
3. Pour the liquid into a slow-cooker, add the cinnamon stick and nutmeg seeds, and cook on low for 2 hours, whisking the mixture occasionally to ensure the eggnog doesn’t curdle or boil. When the eggnog is hot and thick enough to coat a spoon, it’s done.
4. Serve warm in mugs and garnish.
RECOMMENDED READING: Find more recipes here.

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