

  • Reichenbacher Hauptstraße 18, Lahr, 77933, Duitsland
  • €€ · Streekgebonden, Marktkeuken
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  • Reichenbacher Hauptstraße 18, Lahr, 77933, Duitsland
  • €€ · Streekgebonden, Marktkeuken

Het advies van de MICHELIN Gids

Like the gourmet restaurant, Gasthaus also combines modernity and tradition, from the decor down to the menu. While things are a bit more casual here, the cooking is also really good – the quality of the sauces alone will convince you of that! You can put together your own menu – and even make it vegetarian. Friendly service.

Faciliteiten & Diensten

  • Parking
  • Terras
  • Vegetarisch menu

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+49 7821 906390

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