Each week, the barometer will record the number of Michelin Starred restaurants which are open for dining inside and/or on their terraces and will present the information for 39 destinations. The integration of establishments is based on a specific criterion, as restaurants must demonstrate that they are open at least three days per week to be included. Every Tuesday evening, data from the previous week will be updated and a qualitative comment will analyse the situation. The barometer was launched in week 10 of 2020 (02/03 – 08/03).
Click here for an interactive breakdown by country
The tool is designed to provide both the food service and wider tourism sectors with a real-time overview of the rate at which Michelin Starred restaurants across the world are reopening.
With its strong international presence, the MICHELIN Guide is calling on the support of its specialists to update the tool. Inspectors of the Guide are leveraging all their local gastronomic expertise and knowledge to gather information. Depending on the situation in each country, restaurant data will be collected either in the field, by phone or through digital research.

Comment Week 6 (08/02 - 14/02)
No impacting changes this week, with a few reopening in Spain, Italy and in the USA, but not enough to increase the rate.
Comment Week 5 (01/02 - 07/02)
A slight improvement this week, linked to the reopening of restaurants in Italy. Elsewhere in Europe, the opening restrictions stay still.
Some goods news are coming from the US with the upcoming reopening of restaurants in New York, at 25% capacity, starting at Valentine's day.
The situation in Asia remains the same with most of the restaurants open.
Comment Week 4 (25/01 - 31/01)
The situation remains steady during Week 4 with only 26% of MICHELIN Starred Restaurants open worldwide, with Europe and America still stopped, and Asia still with mostly normal activity.
Comment Week 3 (18/01 - 24/01)
The number of Michelin Starred restaurants open in Europe has dropped by 40% between Weeks 2 and 3. This is due to some countries adding new regions to their lockdowns, forcing more restaurants to close.
The situation in both Asia and America remains steady.
Comment Week 2 (11/01 - 17/01)
The MICHELIN Recovery Index remains fairly stable for the second week of 2021.
New lockdown restrictions in Portugal and in some regions of Spain have meant the closure of many restaurants; while in Italy an easing of restrictions sees restaurants allowed to reopen at lunchtimes only.
Comment Week 1 (04/01 - 10/01)
The number of Michelin Starred restaurants open in Europe continues to decrease due to the lockdown measures taken in the UK and Italy.
In Asia, the situation remains stable, with all restaurants open. In the USA, those restaurants which are open must operate under strict time constraints.
Comment Week 52
The final week of 2020 sees a decrease in the number of Michelin Starred restaurants open in Europe due to additional restrictions imposed in Great Britain and Switzerland, as well as a slight drop for the USA, with new restrictions brought in for Washington DC.
Comment Week 51
Week 51 sees a slight increase in the number of Michelin Starred restaurants open in Southern Europe, moving up from 35% to 51%, while Northern Europe records a drop to 14% because of new restrictions in some regions.
In North America, the number of Michelin-Starred restaurants open for business is down from 36% to 12%.
Asia holds steady with 98% of Michelin Starred restaurants open.
Comment Week 50
Week 50 sees the lockdown of all restaurants in Denmark but the easing of restrictions in Spain, Italy and Switzerland. This means that for Northern Europe the numbers hold steady at 16%, while for Southern Europe they increase to 36%.
The situation in Asia remains the same, with 98% of Michelin Starred restaurants open, while America sees a slight increase to 36%.
Comment Week 49
Week 49 sees a slight increase in the number of Michelin Starred restaurants open in Europe. Due to the easing of restrictions in some regions, Northern Europe records a rise from 9% to 16%, while Southern Europe moves up from 23% to 31%.
Asia and America hold steady, with 98% and 22% of Michelin Starred restaurants open, respectively.
Comment Week 48
Week 48 sees little change in the situation.
Europe and Asia hold steady, while America sees a slight decrease in the number of Michelin Starred restaurants open, down from 42% to 33%.
Comment Week 47
Week 47 sees a similar situation to week 46, with the continuation of lockdowns and restrictions across Europe.
Northern Europe holds steady, with a similar number of Starred restaurants open as the week before, while in Southern Europe the number has dropped by 10% due to additional closures in Italy.
North America also shows a slight decrease, while in Asia and Brazil the situation remains unchanged – with all of Brazil’s Michelin Starred restaurants back open.
Comment Week 46
Week 46 sees the continuation of restrictions across Europe, with some countries adding new districts to their lockdowns and more restaurants forced to close.
The number of Northern European Michelin Starred restaurants open has dropped by half, from 18% to 9%, while Southern European restaurant move from 40% down to 32%.
In and Asia and South America the situation remains unchanged, while North America shows a slight increase of 2%.
Comment Week 45
Week 45 sees restrictions continuing to tighten across Europe, with many countries back in partial or total lockdown and many restaurants forced to close once again.
In Northern Europe the number of Michelin-Starred restaurants open for business is down by three-quarters – from 74% to 18% – while Southern Europe records a smaller drop from 66% to 40%.
America too sees just a slight decrease, while Asia holds steady, with 96% of Starred restaurants currently open.
Comment Week 44
Another week of restrictions tightening in Europe sees the total number of Michelin Stars open for business drop back 3 points to 75%, as regions of both Spain and Italy have been forced to close their restaurants once again.
The number of restaurants which have reopened in America continues to rise steadily and Brazil is also showing further growth.
Comment Week 43
Week 43 sees a drop of 130 Starred restaurants from the total number open for business. This is primarily due to tighter restrictions being imposed in Europe, where restaurants in Belgium and certain regions of Spain, France, Croatia and the UK have had to close once more. There is optimism in Germany and Switzerland however, where 17 Starred restaurants have reopened. There is also a steady improvement in Brazil and the USA, while the situation remains stable in Asia.
Comment Week 42
Due to the ever-uncertain nature of the Covid situation, week 42 sadly sees the Index of Starred restaurants open for business fall two points to 83%.
Despite the welcome improvements in France – which saw the total number of Starred restaurants open to guests grow from 528 to 551 – and in the USA, which saw an additional 6 Stars reopen, the closure of all 108 Starred restaurants in the Netherlands and the tightening of local restrictions in Great Britain and Ireland have contributed to an overall reduction.
Comment Week 41
The constant level of 85% open remains despite the restrictions placed on Irish restaurants forcing them countrywide to close for a second and even third time- The USA number continues to climb with a further 8 restaurants back open bringing the total in the US up to 62 ( 30%).
Comment Week 40
The global total opened still remains steady at 85%- Switzerland, Spain and Great Britain saw small net gains whilst the main growth was in America that saw the total jump from the long time 29 to 54. Unfortunately the stringent restrictions placed on certain areas of France saw their number open reduce to 530/628.
There were no changes in Asia
Comment Week 39
The worldwide total stars open in week 39 remains at 85%. In Europe, France saw a few more restaurants (+6) back in business (86%) and open for their guests. Sadly this was countered by Ireland , where due to county –wide restrictions, Dublin restaurants were asked to close their doors once more.
Asia and America saw no changes.
Comment Week 38
85% of Michelin Starred restaurants worldwide are open for dining either inside or outside in week 38 (14/09 – 20/09).
In Europe, the most significant increase is in Belgium, where 95% (124/130) of Michelin Starred restaurants are now back open – an increase of 4 restaurants compared to last week; while in Spain and Portugal, the percentages rose to 86 and 93 respectively.
In Asia, the situation remains steady.
The situation also remains unchanged for Brazil, with 72% of Michelin Starred restaurants open, as well as for the US, with 14% of Starred restaurants welcoming guests again.
Comment Week 37
In week 37, the worldwide situation has continued to improve, with an additional 30 Michelin Starred restaurants back open for business, bringing the total to 84% (2678/3178) when looking at all destinations covered by the MICHELIN Guide.
In Europe, the United Kingdom has demonstrated the strongest progression, with 13 Starred restaurants back open for business – 144 out of 169 (73%) – and 2 more reopening in Ireland, a total of 89%. Switzerland, Spain and Portugal have also shown slight growths with 84% (+3 restaurants), 84% (+6) and 89% (+1) of Star restaurants open again.
In Asia, the situation has remained steady, with one new reopening in Macao.
Finally, in the USA, two more restaurants have reopened, bringing the total number of Michelin Star restaurants welcoming their clients again to 29/209 (14%).
Comment Week 36
83% of Michelin Starred restaurants worldwide are open for dining either inside or outside in week 36 (08/31 - 09/06).
In Europe, the most significant increase is in Spain, where 81% (174/214) of Michelin Starred restaurants are now back open; a 2% increase compared to week 35. In the United Kingdom, the percentage went up to 78 – a total of 136 Michelin Starred restaurants out of 169.
In Asia, the situation remains steady, with a slight increase in Macau, where one new Michelin Starred restaurant has reopened.
In Brazil, there are 3 new restaurants welcoming guests again. Compared to week 35, this represents an increase of 17 percent, bringing the total to 61%.
And finally, in the USA, the number of Michelin Starred restaurants back open for business rose to 27, representing 13% of the country’s total.
Comment Week 33
In week 33, the worldwide situation has continued to improve, with an additional 29 MICHELIN Starred restaurants back open for business, bringing the total to 83% (2627/3172) when looking at all destinations covered by the MICHELIN Guide.
In Europe, the United Kingdom has demonstrated the strongest progression, with 123 out of 169 (73%) of MICHELIN Starred restaurants welcoming guests again: an increase of 10 compared to week 32. Denmark, Ireland and Portugal have also shown slight growths with 88%, 78%, and 85% of Star restaurants open again. In France, two more establishments have reopened, bring the total to 529.
In Asia, the situation has remained steady. Two restaurants have started to operate again in Thailand, and one in Hong-Kong and Macao, bringing the percentage of MICHELIN Starred restaurants open to 90% and 80% respectively.
In Brazil, 44% (8/18) of MICHELIN Starred restaurants are welcoming guests once again (one addition in week 33), with 14% (29/209) reopening in the USA (seven additions).
Comment Week 32
82% (2598/3172) of Michelin Starred restaurants worldwide were open inside and/or on their terraces in week 32; 3 points growth on week 31.
In Europe, the most significant increase is in the United Kingdom, where 67% (113/169) of Michelin Starred restaurants are now back open; a good rise on 53% in week 31. In Spain, there are 2 more Michelin Starred restaurants welcoming diners again; along with those already open, this represents 168 restaurants out of 214 (79%). In Portugal, there is 1 new reopening, bringing the country’s total to 78%.
Across Asia in general, we saw more positive figures than in week 31. In Thailand, one more Michelin Starred restaurant has reopened: there are now 24/29 restaurants (83%) welcoming guests again.
Finally, in the USA, the number of Michelin Starred restaurants back open for business inside and/or on their terraces has moved up to 22, representing 11% of their total Michelin Starred establishments.
Comment Week 29
2521 out of 3172 of the Michelin Starred restaurants worldwide have now reopened inside and/or their terraces in week 29 - an increase of 32 on week 28.
In Europe key growth is in Spain where 161/214 (75%) of the Michelin Starred restaurants are back welcoming their guests again and in the United Kingdom 67/169 (40%).
In Asia, the situation remains stable while in the US, following new restrictions in California on interior dining, the number of Michelin Starred restaurants back open for business now stands at 8%.
Comment Week 28
A further 120 Michelin Starred restaurants worldwide have reopened inside and/or on their terraces in week 28 bringing the total to 2489/3172 (78%).
After over 3 months of closure, the United Kingdom’s Michelin Stars have finally been allowed to open their doors again, with over 25% back welcoming their diners in the first week. The Republic of Ireland has almost doubled its tally to 11 and with France now at 84% and Italy 87% open show the most growth of Michelin Starred restaurants back in operation in Europe in week 28.
In Asia, the situation remains steady, with some growth in Thailand where 76% of the Michelin Starred restaurants are now back on their feet compared to 72% in week 27.
Brazil has finally got the green light to open too with 4 Michelin Stars back in Rio de Janiero and São Paulo.
And finally, in the USA, the number of Michelin Starred restaurants back open for business inside and/or on their terraces continues to gradually progress with 26 restaurants (12% of the total).
Comment Week 27
75% of all the Michelin Starred restaurants worldwide have reopened inside and/or their terraces in week 27; 5 points growth on week 26.
In Europe, the more significant increases are in Spain where 68% (146/214) of the Michelin Starred restaurants are now back open; an impressive rise on the 44% in week 26. In the Republic of Ireland, where the restaurants finally got the green light to reopen, 33% are already welcoming their diners again. Italy now has 81 % of their Starred restaurants back on their feet and Portugal 74%.
In Asia, where the situation remains steady, 91% of the Michelin Starred restaurants are open in Singapore and 72% in Thailand another impressive climb week on week from the 57% and 52% reported in week 26.
And finally in the USA, the number of Michelin Starred restaurants that are back open for business inside and/or on their terraces went to 23, representing 11% of the total amount of the Starred restaurants.
Comment Week 26
70% of all the Michelin Starred restaurants worldwide have reopened inside and/or their terraces in week 26 representing 2224 restaurants on a total of 3172.
In Europe, it is in France, Spain, and Italy that we see the most progress. In France, there are 75% (472/628) of the Michelin Starred restaurants that are back to business; an encouraging progression compared to the 394 there were in week 25. In Italy and Spain, these percentages respectively went to 78% and 44%.
In Asia, the situation remains steady.
And finally in the USA, the number of Michelin Starred restaurants back open for business inside and/or on their terraces continues to gradually progress with 17 restaurants (8% of the total) compared to 13 in week 25.
Comment Week 25
66% of all the Michelin Starred restaurants worldwide have reopened inside and/or their terraces in week 25 (2094/3172). The percentage in each award open across the globe is split fairly evenly; 66% of the one star restaurants (1702/2563), 65% of the two star restaurants (311/480) and 63% of the three star restaurants (81/129).
In Europe, France, Spain, Portugal and Italy show the most growth with 63%, 35%, 44% and 73% respectively of Michelin Starred restaurants back open. In Slovenia (where the first selection was released on Tuesday 16th of June), the 6 new Michelin Starred restaurants are open and In Hungary the first star restaurant is back open for business.
In Asia the situation has also progressed- especially in Singapore where restaurants have been allowed to reopen and immediately 57% are welcoming their customers back and in Thailand the percentage of Michelin Starred restaurants open increased to 52% compared to 34% in week 24.
And finally in the USA, the number of Michelin Starred restaurants back open for business inside and/or on their terraces continues to gradually progress with 13 restaurants (6% of the total) compared to 6 in week 24.
Comment Week 24
60% of all the Michelin Starred restaurants worldwide have reopened inside and/or their terraces in week 24; yet again considerable growth on week 23.
In Europe, the more significant progressions are in France where 52% (328/628) of the Michelin Starred restaurants are now back open. In Italy 66% of the restaurants are welcoming their diners back, compared to 56% in week 23 and in Spain this has increased to 24%. Belgium sees a massive 84% back in business and in Luxembourg all of the Michelin Starred restaurants are now open
In Asia the situation appears to have stabilised.
And finally in the USA, the number of Michelin Starred restaurants that are back open for business inside and/or on their terraces is 5; with 2 in Washington and 3 in California.
Comment Week 23
Just over 50% (1583/3165) of all the Michelin Starred restaurants worldwide are back open for business inside and/or on their terraces in week 23- An encouraging increase from the 33% open in week 22.
Re-openings apace in Europe sees France back in business with 208 of the 628 of the Michelin stars able to open their doors once again, 5 out of 6 Stars in Helsinki are back welcoming diners too. A mighty 93% of all restaurants in the Netherlands and 89 % in Luxembourg have turned their ovens back on, and Germany, Italy and Spain’s gastronomic renaissance continues to flourish.
In Asia the situation continues to improve with 94% of the Michelin Stars open in Japan; Thailand now has 31% back open and in Beijing 96%.
And finally in the USA where they continue to offer an excellent selection of takeaways; the dawn of Post-Covid Cuisine is gathering further momentum with a couple of restaurants in Washington re- opening either inside and/or on their terraces in week 23.
Comment week 22
In week 22 the worldwide situation is still improving. 33% of MICHELIN Starred restaurants are open (1038/3165), compared to 27% in week 21.
In Europe, restaurants in Spain, Portugal, Malta, Greece and Czech Republic (Prague) have started to reopen. In Greece (Athens) and in Czech Republic (Prague), 100% of the Michelin Starred restaurants reopened. In Germany the number of reopenings increased to 71% compared to 49% in week 21, and to 33% in Italy, compared to 16% in week 21.
In Asia, the situation continues to progress with more reopenings in Japan, Thailand and Korea
Comment week 21
In week 21 the worldwide situation is improving, with 27% of Michelin Starred restaurants open (842/3165), compared to 21% in week 20.
In Europe, many restaurants continue to reopen in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Italy. Denmark has also started to reopen, with 58% of Michelin Starred restaurants resuming operation in week 21. In Asia, the situation continues to progress, especially in Japan with 71% of Michelin Starred restaurants now open compared to 65% in week 20.
Comment week 20
In week 20 the worldwide situation has continued to improve with 21% of Michelin Starred restaurants open (653/3165), compared to 14% in week 19.
In Europe, restaurants have started to reopen in Austria, Germany, Switzerland and Croatia – as well the first restaurant in Italy. In Asia, the situation continues to progress, especially in Japan with more small restaurants run by local chefs reopening.
Looking to actively support the world of gastronomy during this period of crisis, the MICHELIN Guide will make the results of its barometer available on its website: https://guide.michelin.com/.