Below, his recipe to make at home:

250 grams eggplant, sliced
50 grams minced pork
30 grams spicy bean paste
10 grams ginger
10 grams garlic
10 grams onion
10 grams black vinegar
15 grams granulated sugar
2 grams chicken powder
5 grams Chinese wine
5 grams sesame oil
1 gram black pepper
100 grams clear stock
Moderate amount of salt and corn starch

1. Heat the oil in the pot to 180˚C.
2. Add in the sliced eggplants and stir-fry until cooked. Remove eggplants from the pot.
3. Add the spicy bean paste, garlic, onion and ginger into the oil and fry until fragrant.
4. Fry the minced pork and make sure there is no excess water. Add the clear stock to the fried minced pork and let it come to a boil.
5. Add the remaining seasonings of sugar, salt, pepper, chicken powder, sesame oil, Chinese wine and black vinegar.
6. Add in the cooked eggplants and stir-fry the mixture.
7. Add corn starch to thicken the mixture. Garnish with spring onion. Serve immediately and enjoy while it is hot!