
Tao Ran Xuan (Liwan)

50 Shamian South Street, Liwan, Guangzhou, 중국
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Tao Ran Xuan (Liwan)

50 Shamian South Street, Liwan, Guangzhou, 중국
¥¥ · 칸토니즈
The ubiquitous Chinese interior and live zither music playing at night may seem incongruous given the European exterior, but the authentic Cantonese food with regional offerings is so good you will probably choose to gloss over the oxymoron. Early risers come for an authentic dim sum brekky – don’t miss their shrimp dumplings, and thousand-year egg puff pastry with young ginger. Baked No.1 chicken with sand ginger boasts springy skin and silky meat.


근처 레스토랑