
Tong Ji

3 Fuguangli, Changshou East Road, Liwan, Guangzhou, 중국
¥ · 국수, 죽, 특별요리
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Tong Ji

3 Fuguangli, Changshou East Road, Liwan, Guangzhou, 중국
¥ · 국수, 죽, 특별요리
빕 구르망; 합리적 가격에 훌륭한 음식
스몰 숍
Tucked away in an alley, this two-storey, no-frills joint has been in business for over 30 years. You're not here for the ambience, but for the steamed chicken – only free-range pullets before they lay their first egg are used because of their springy skin, oily richness, silky flesh and robust flavour. Boiled chicken intestines, stir-fried ribbon rice noodles and creamy congee are also sound reasons to visit.


근처 레스토랑