Dining In 1 minute 12 June 2017

Recipe: Beef Butter From London Hawksmoor's Richard Turner

Sauce up your meat with this golden slab from one of the world's hottest names in the steak business.

Some might say there's no need to mess with a perfectly good steak. But for UK's meat maestro Richard Turner, executive chef of popular British steakhouse Hawksmoor, getting saucy with your meat can be a delicious affair.

Steak sauces at Hawksmoor range from béarnaise and anchovy hollandaise to bone marrow gravy, but a good pat of the luscious beef butter served with sourdough bread at the restaurant is also a tasty option to melt over your steak. Even better, it's easy to whip up at home too.

Here, we get Turner to share how to churn up this spread.
Executive chef Richard Turner
Executive chef Richard Turner
Recipe for Beef Butter

250g salted butter
250g rendered beef fat
20g anchovies, chopped
15g Maldon sea salt

1. Blend all the ingredients until the butter is whipped.
2. Pass the mixture through a fine drum sieve.
3. Roll the butter up in cling film to make a fat butter pat and chill.
4. Slice the cold butter and place it on top of a ready-cooked steak. Serve.
Recommended reading: Check out more recipes here.

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