Sushiya Hajime
2F, 4-3 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-0825, 日本
Sushiya Hajime
2F, 4-3 Kagurazaka, Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, 162-0825, 日本
The character for ‘sushi’ in Sushiya Hajime refers specifically to fermented sushi, harking back to the beginnings of sushi culture. ‘Hajime’ means ‘beginning’, expressing the chef’s desire to see the sushi world with a newcomer’s eyes, as when he used to be sent to select fish at the market. Fish is prepared according to ancient practices such as salting and simmering. Omakase set meals consist of numerous pieces of sushi formed small, affording rich variety and commitment to quality is uncompromising, which is deeply satisfying. Finely honed skills shine in attentive service.