
Lau Sum Kee (Fuk Wing Street)

82 Fuk Wing Street, Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong, 홍콩
$ · 국수
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Lau Sum Kee (Fuk Wing Street)

82 Fuk Wing Street, Sham Shui Po, Hong Kong, 홍콩
$ · 국수
빕 구르망; 합리적 가격에 훌륭한 음식
스몰 숍
Since 1956, this branch (and the original shop around the corner) has been packed with customers buzzing in and out. The third-generation family business still kneads noodle dough with a bamboo pole, like it used to be done, for that springy texture. Wontons are made on the spot with whole prawns and pork; even the crunchy radish pickles are homemade. Wonton noodles are a must; you can choose one or two more toppings if you like.


근처 레스토랑