Sheng Yong Xing (Huangpu)
5F, Bund 5, 20 Guangdong Road, Huangpu, Shanghai, 中國
查找我附近的可預訂餐廳Sheng Yong Xing (Huangpu)
5F, Bund 5, 20 Guangdong Road, Huangpu, Shanghai, 中國
The Beijing brand famous for Peking duck chose this prestigious address on the Bund for their first Shanghai outpost. Diners are greeted by a wine cellar tunnel foreshadowing the range of drinks to go with the signature bird. Each of the 45-day-old ducks roasted over jujube wood comes with a QR code that allows diners to trace its source. The views of the Bund and romantic ambiance also make for a great dining experience.