2-5-21 Minamiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0047, 일본
이 사이트에서는 레스토랑의 예약이 불가능 합니다.
내 주변 예약 가능한 레스토랑 찾기T'astous
2-5-21 Minamiazabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0047, 일본
빕 구르망; 합리적 가격에 훌륭한 음식
T’astous presents as a ‘neo-bistro’, the sort of chic bistro you might find in Paris. Regional cooking arranged for a modern sensibility. The chef trained in the south of France, so he excels with foie gras and truffles that are this region’s gift to the world. The restaurant name is the word for a black-truffle canapé in the Cahors dialect. He expresses through his cuisine the wonder he felt upon tasting this delicacy in southwestern France.