

Carna by Dario Cecchini

  • 39F, Mondrian, 8A Hart Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong, 홍콩
  • $$$ · 스테이크하우스
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Carna by Dario Cecchini

  • 39F, Mondrian, 8A Hart Avenue, Tsim Sha Tsui, Hong Kong, 홍콩
  • $$$ · 스테이크하우스

The swanky room creates a Tuscan vibe with gracious arches and exquisite stained glass. It also commands breathtaking harbour views visible from almost every table. The Italian steakhouse, brainchild of the famous butcher Dario Cecchini, champions a nose-to-tail concept with a focus on beef from Italy, Australia, the U.S., Japan and Ireland. Premium U.S. Wagyu steaks stand out in particular. The Italian wine list practically covers the entire country.

시설 및 서비스

  • 발렛파킹
  • 아주 좋은 와인 리스트
  • 에어컨
  • 전망이 좋은

신용카드 사용 가능



+852 3550 0339

근처 레스토랑