
Ya Yuan

14 Chaotian Road, Yuexiu, Guangzhou, 중국
¥¥ · 칸토니즈
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Ya Yuan

14 Chaotian Road, Yuexiu, Guangzhou, 중국
¥¥ · 칸토니즈
빕 구르망; 합리적 가격에 훌륭한 음식

The three-storey room is furnished with orange tables and leather chairs that evoke 1980s nostalgia. For over three decades, Ya Yuan has been feeding hungry locals with classic home-style dishes such as slow-boiled soups and claypot rice. With its velvety flesh and gelatinous skin, the poached Qingyuan chicken dressed in scallion oil is addictively aromatic. Even the post-meal complimentary mung bean or red bean sweet soups are made with care.
