
Tung Fook Superior Cuisine

  • Room 104, 20 Haiming Road, Tianhe, Guangzhou, 중국
  • ¥¥¥ · 칸토니즈
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Tung Fook Superior Cuisine

  • Room 104, 20 Haiming Road, Tianhe, Guangzhou, 중국
  • ¥¥¥ · 칸토니즈

The novel industrial façade grabs the eyeballs with fluted glass, metal frames and a glowing entrance. Classic Cantonese fare dominates the concise but appetising menu; check out the blackboard for catch of the day and seasonal specials. Most of the top-notch seafood and fish is wild-caught, but meat dishes like thinly sliced beef sirloin blanched in pickled cabbage broth or pan seared pork nose tendons in black bean sauce deserve as much attention.

시설 및 서비스

  • 에어컨
  • 주차장

신용카드 사용 가능



+86 133 8001 8223

근처 레스토랑