Liang Jie Nanning Pumiao Shengzha Mifen (Yinghua Street)
242 Yinghua Street, Xiaogang Bay, Haizhu, Guangzhou, 중국
이 사이트에서는 레스토랑의 예약이 불가능 합니다.
내 주변 예약 가능한 레스토랑 찾기Liang Jie Nanning Pumiao Shengzha Mifen (Yinghua Street)
242 Yinghua Street, Xiaogang Bay, Haizhu, Guangzhou, 중국
빕 구르망; 합리적 가격에 훌륭한 음식
스몰 숍
This friendly neighbourhood shop specialises in sourdough rice noodles. While preserving her hometown culinary tradition, the owner also dials down the sourness to cater to local tastes. Noodles are made to order – fermented rice batter is squeezed into boiling water and then drenched in soup, or tossed with pickled string beans, ground pork and deep-fried tofu. You can also opt for the beef brisket version. Prepare to wait after placing orders.