
Nu Đồ Kitchen

  • 11/1 Luu Quang Thuan Street, My An Ward, Ngu Hanh Son District, Da Nang, 베트남
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Nu Đồ Kitchen

  • 11/1 Luu Quang Thuan Street, My An Ward, Ngu Hanh Son District, Da Nang, 베트남
  • ₫ · 국수

미쉐린 가이드의 의견

The owner’s parents used to sell mì quảng, noodle soup from Central Vietnam. The shop is named ‘Nu Đồ’, a transliteration of the word ‘noodle’. The menu boasts four versions of mì quảng served in traditional bamboo baskets like in the old days, each with a special broth to highlight the key ingredient. The snakehead fish variety with pronounced turmeric aromas is not to be missed. Tables are laid in the covered patio, surrounded by greenery.

시설 및 서비스

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+84 90 697 06 07

근처 레스토랑