
Ngọc Chi

  • 202 Hoang Dieu Street, Nam Duong Ward, Hai Chau District, Da Nang, 베트남
  • ₫ · 베지테리안
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Ngọc Chi

  • 202 Hoang Dieu Street, Nam Duong Ward, Hai Chau District, Da Nang, 베트남
  • ₫ · 베지테리안

미쉐린 가이드의 의견

빕 구르망; 합리적 가격에 훌륭한 음식

For over 10 years, Ngọc Chi has been serving an extensive menu of mostly Vietnamese origin using local veggies and herbs. Some dishes include plant-based meat. Fermented seasonings are put to good use, accentuating big-boned flavours while supporting a healthy lifestyle. Whet your appetite with a bowl of sour soup featuring mixed veggies. Then move on to wontons and spring rolls, hand-wrapped and deep-fried to perfection á la minute.

시설 및 서비스

  • 채식메뉴 제공
  • 현금만 가능



+84 93 508 50 88

근처 레스토랑