
Gong Zhou · Ba Shu Wei Yuan

  • 64-6 Junlong Street, Jinjiang, Chengdu, 중국
  • ¥ · 시츄안
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Gong Zhou · Ba Shu Wei Yuan

  • 64-6 Junlong Street, Jinjiang, Chengdu, 중국
  • ¥ · 시츄안
빕 구르망; 합리적 가격에 훌륭한 음식

Gong Zhou was the ancient name of Chongqing, the home municipality of the owner and kitchen team. Since opening in a residential area next to Taikoo-li shopping hub in 1998, it has kept its fans coming back for its Chongqing dishes, such as "auspicious" home-style fish – blanched grass carp dressed in a tangy sauce made with spicy bean sauce, pickled chilli and ginger. Try the pork ribs coated in spiced ground rice, stuffed in pork tripe and steamed.

시설 및 서비스

  • 현금만 가능



+86 28 8443 9898

근처 레스토랑