The Devonshire
17-19 Denman Street, Soho, Londra, W1D 7HW, Regno Unito
Inglese tradizionale
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Trova ristoranti prenotabili vicino a meThe Devonshire
17-19 Denman Street, Soho, Londra, W1D 7HW, Regno Unito
Inglese tradizionale
One of the hottest tickets in town, The Devonshire is a 'proper' London pub that's been restored to its former glory. On the ground floor, and spilling out onto the pavement, you find the drinkers seeing off pints of Guinness, with food served upstairs. Most of the cooking takes place on the first floor, in the aptly named Grill Room, with the top-floor Claret Room providing a little more calm. Dishes are traditional in style and robust in flavour, with the quality of the produce shining through. Highly personable service rounds out the experience.

In viaggio
4 minuti
Londra in autunno: 10 cose da fare e da vedere
È arrivato l’autunno. E con l’aiuto di un ispettore Michelin abbiamo stilato una lista di cose da fare a Londra, fra cieli più incerti e parchi dagli alberi carichi di foglie dalle sfumature brune e rossastre.