Angélica Cocina Maestra
Cobos s/n, Mendoza, M5509, Argentinien
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Buchbare Restaurants in meiner Nähe findenAngélica Cocina Maestra
Cobos s/n, Mendoza, M5509, Argentinien
This restaurant, the name of which pays homage to the mother of Nicolás Catena Zapata (the man credited with putting Argentinian wines on the world map), showcases the authentic flavours of Mendoza from a modern perspective. The dining room, which is as imposingly impressive as the rest of the building (it is reminiscent of medieval Italian architecture with its sturdy stone walls, open brickwork, vaulted arches and valuable works of art), is part of the Catena Zapata winery in Agrelo (in the department of Luján de Cuyo), famous both for the quality of its wines and its design in the shape of a Mayan pyramid. The cuisine is centred around an exclusive and creatively inspired tasting menu which evolves in various stages or courses, starting with small and sophisticated appetisers (such as spherical olives) and moving on to dishes with the full DNA of Mendoza (such as the smooth-textured and charcoal-cooked pork pancetta with green apple chutney). It’s also well worth visiting the underground distillery where the winery’s red Vicenzo vermouth is produced.
5 Minuten
Mendoza: eine Tour durch seine besten Weine und Küchen
In Mendoza, der wichtigsten Weinbauprovinz Argentiniens, gehen Gastronomie und Wein Hand in Hand und zeugen von einer Qualität, die aus einem außergewöhnlichen Terroir stammt.