Understanding food provenance is the new normal. Whether it’s eating a meal at home or in a restaurant, consumers are growing curious about the journey of an ingredient, from its place of origin to the plate, and everything in between.

Il Borro Tuscan Bistro Dubai is widely considered one of the city's best Italian restaurants, and rightly so. Tucked away at the edge of Turtle Lagoon at the plush Jumeirah Al Naseem Hotel, Il Borro is more than just a restaurant. It is a culture, a lifestyle, an attitude deeply rooted in biodiversity, organic production, and genuine farm-to-table ethics.

Overlooking the picturesque turtle lagoon, Il Borro Tuscan Bistro Dubai opened its doors in 2017 to capitalise on the city's position as a top culinary destination that celebrates the cultures and cuisines of more than 200 nationalities. The restaurant strived to relay the Ferragamo family’s Tuscan tales and carry forth their commitment to the environment and eco-sustainable choices.
Fans of the food and culture frequently visit Il Borro Dubai for a taste of Tuscany, owing to Turin-born head chef, Fulvio Opalio’s culinary wizardry. Working closely with the Tuscan estate’s executive chef, Andrea Campani, Opalio developed the Dubai outlet’s menu to appease local palates whilst paying homage to cooking traditions from the motherland. A perfect adaptation of old classics into modern meals, the restaurant’s signature dishes include spaghetti ai gamberi rossi (spaghetti with prawns), insalata di spinaci (spinach salad), mezzemaniche alla norma (mezzemaniche pasta with eggplant), and spalla di agnello al forno (slow-cooked lamb shoulder).

Boasting of 15 years of culinary experience, 12 of which were gained in the UAE, Opallio reflects on his journey: “My philosophy is all about organic and sustainable produce that brings a farm-to-table element. I love evoking the joy of sharing at Il Borro Dubai, which comes from the estate we have in Tuscany. The kitchen team and I are fortunate to be able to use fresh and seasonal ingredients from our beautiful Italian land, and this sets us apart from others. My personal favourite is Il Borro’s organic extra virgin olive oil- it is a major ingredient in many of our recipes.”
Complementing the authentic dining experience at II Borro is EIRA water, which celebrates the unique provenance of Eresfjord—or the “purest water source in Norway.” A homage to the natural beauty of Norway, EIRA water is born in the surroundings of lush greenery, towering mountains and beautiful river water. With its crispy, refreshing and perfectly pure taste, the synergy between EIRA water and the cuisine at II Borro is undeniable.