21 rue du Docteur-Louis-Marçon, Bandol, 83150, 法国
21 rue du Docteur-Louis-Marçon, Bandol, 83150, 法国
If you're lucky enough to be in Bandol, leave the harbour area and make a beeline for the refreshing establishment of Maria and Gilles Pradines, a treasure trove of culinary talent and delight. Born in the Basque country, the chef has retained his love of the south of France, from stuffed piquillo peppers to black cherries and pata negra. Each ingredient is fastidiously sourced and prepared with great care: wild sea bass marinated in fennel seeds, grilled special oyster no. 2, apricots from Provence, olive oil and lemons… The presentation of the dishes is beautiful, and the service is charming!