Bob Bob Ricard Soho
1-3 Upper James Street, Soho, London, W1F 9DF, United Kingdom
Traditional British, Classic French
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Bob Bob Ricard Soho
1-3 Upper James Street, Soho, London, W1F 9DF, United Kingdom
Traditional British, Classic French
Any restaurant known for its tableside 'Press for Champagne' buttons is bound to exude a certain glamorous exclusivity. So it is with Bob Bob Ricard, a compact yet nevertheless grand restaurant that's classic to its core and all the more appealing for it; this is the place to come if you're looking to impress a date in the old-school manner. The menu opens with vodka shots at -18° along with a choice of caviars – a clue as to the owner’s nationality – then moves on to a roll-call of well-loved dishes from sole meunière to beef Wellington to share.
Featured in:
5 PM-12 AM
5 PM-12 AM
12 PM-3 PM
5 PM-12 AM
12 PM-12 AM
12 PM-12 AM
12 PM-12 AM
12 PM-12 AM

4 minutes
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