Sankt Johann am Wimberg 14, Sankt Johann am Wimberg, 4172, Austria
Actual, Regional
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Sankt Johann am Wimberg 14, Sankt Johann am Wimberg, 4172, Austria
Actual, Regional
This restaurant, which has been run as a family business since 1938, is the beating heart of this modern hotel with welcoming guestrooms. Diners can expect a refined atmosphere and exceedingly friendly service, as well as delicious food prepared by a kitchen brigade headed up by chef Andrea Lunson, sister of owner Heinz Keplinger. On the menu: traditional dishes such as Kalbsrahmbeuscherl (creamed chopped calf's lights) with bread dumpling, but also more modern fare, eg fillet of Piberbach salmon trout in a ratatouille broth with Erbsentascherl (pea pasties) and a coconut-chilli foam.