Castell Peralada
Sant Joan, Peralada, 17491, Spanien
Moderne Küche
Reservierungen möglich
Castell Peralada
Sant Joan, Peralada, 17491, Spanien
Moderne Küche
Ein Stern: eine Küche voller Finesse
When we talk about a unique setting, we are usually referring to places such as this – a 14C medieval castle that has gradually been extended over the years to now include leisure facilities such as a museum, a stunning park, and even a casino.
The traditional cuisine of the Empordà region is to the fore here, perfectly cooked and with a highly impressive subtlety of flavour. This can be enjoyed in various settings: in its restaurant, with its pleasantly updated traditional ambience; in the attractive private dining rooms housed in its towers; or on the delightful lakefront terrace. Don’t miss the spectacular trolley of cheeses selected by front-of-house manager and sommelier Toni Gerez, featuring over 50 different varieties and one of the best selections you’ll find anywhere in Spain.
The traditional cuisine of the Empordà region is to the fore here, perfectly cooked and with a highly impressive subtlety of flavour. This can be enjoyed in various settings: in its restaurant, with its pleasantly updated traditional ambience; in the attractive private dining rooms housed in its towers; or on the delightful lakefront terrace. Don’t miss the spectacular trolley of cheeses selected by front-of-house manager and sommelier Toni Gerez, featuring over 50 different varieties and one of the best selections you’ll find anywhere in Spain.
8 Minuten
3 Tage an der Costa Brava
Wir reisen durch eine der eindrucksvollsten Landschaften des Mittelmeers, die Costa Brava, und schauen uns ihre Küche, Weine und gastronomische Kultur an.