
Xiang Shang Xiang (Jinhe East Road)

  • L301A-L302A, 3F, CP Center, 20 Jinhe East Road, Chaoyang, Beijing, Cina Continentale
  • ¥¥¥¥ · Hunanese
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Xiang Shang Xiang (Jinhe East Road)

  • L301A-L302A, 3F, CP Center, 20 Jinhe East Road, Chaoyang, Beijing, Cina Continentale
  • ¥¥¥¥ · Hunanese

Il punto di vista della Guida MICHELIN

The chain now runs a few establishments in Beijing and Chengdu, but the story started in 2021 at this very first outlet. A veteran with 20-plus years of experience under his belt, Chef Peng revamps the menu every now and then to keep it fresh. He presents a good-value set menu featuring 24 different chilli peppers – heaven for spicy food lovers. The butler, tea master and sommelier go the extra mile to deliver thoughtful, meticulous service.


  • Aria condizionata
  • Carta dei vini particolamente interessante
  • Parcheggio
  • Strutture per persone diversamente abili

Carte di credito accettate



+86 10 8597 2666

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