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Buchbare Restaurants in meiner Nähe findenCipriani
Part of the “Copa” (Copacabana Palace), the city’s most famous hotel thanks to its setting on the world’s most famous beach, the luxurious Cipriani restaurant combines the best of Italy and Brazil. Here, to a backdrop of highly attentive service, you are spoilt by the choice of two tasting menus (there’s also a vegan option) created by Italian chef Nello Cassese, who bases his dishes on Italian ingredients and expertly combines them with others sourced more locally. The end results are classic Neopolitan and Piedmontese specialities (such as fried pizza and vitello tonnato) with a contemporary feel alongside other more creative dishes (we were pleasantly surprised by the organic egg served with artichoke, 36-month-aged Parmigiano Reggiano and truffle). Enjoy views of the splendid swimming pool, discreetly illuminated at night, through the restaurant’s windows.

2 Tage in: Rio de Janeiro
Verbringen Sie 48 Stunden in der „Wunderbaren Stadt“, wie Rio von den Brasilianern liebevoll genannt wird. Dann verstehen Sie, warum die Stadt heute ein beliebtes Reiseziel für Foodies ist, und erleben eine der schönsten Kulissen der Welt.