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Buchbare Restaurants in meiner Nähe findenKatz's
One of the last-standing, old-time Eastern European spots on the Lower East Side, Katz’s is a true NY institution. It’s crowded, crazy and packed with a panoply of characters weirder than a jury duty pool. Tourists, hipsters, blue hairs and everybody in between flock here, so come on off-hours. Because it’s really that good. Walk inside, get a ticket and don’t lose it (those guys at the front aren’t hosts—upset their system and you’ll get a verbal beating). Then pick up your food at the counter and bring it to a first-come first-get table; or opt for a slightly less dizzying experience at a waitress-served table.Nothing’s changed in the looks or taste. Matzo ball soup, pastrami sandwiches, potato latkes—everything is what you’d expect, only better.

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