Abastos 2.0 - Mesas
Das Ameas 4, Santiago de Compostela, 15704, Spanien
Galizisch, Modern
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Buchbare Restaurants in meiner Nähe findenAbastos 2.0 - Mesas
Das Ameas 4, Santiago de Compostela, 15704, Spanien
Galizisch, Modern
Bib Gourmand : unser bestes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
Situated next to the busy Mercado de Abastos, this restaurant is highly recommended for anyone looking for a memorable gastronomic experience. The ambience is modern, casual and informal, with a kitchen partially visible from the dining room and, in a demonstration of complete transparency, precise information on the provenance of ingredients and even the distance from suppliers. The modern cooking here is centred on a daily à la carte, that varies in line with market availability, and two menus (Do Mercado and Da Casa), with a focus on Galician culinary traditions and top-quality local fish and seafood. Given its popularity, we recommend booking ahead.

6 Minuten
2 Tage in: Santiago de Compostela
Für viele Pilger ist der Jakobsweg an der historischen Plaza del Obradoiro zu Ende und für diejenigen, die in den Bann der Stadt und ihrer Gastronomie geraten, der Beginn einer magischen Erfahrung.