The Collective at Woolsery
Post Office Cottage, Woolsery, Woolsery, UK
4 Habitaciones
Clásico contemporáneo y Tranquilo
Una Llave MICHELIN · Una estancia especial
The North Devon village of Woolsery isn’t obviously the sort of place you’d expect to find a boutique hotel, much less a project like the Collective. But for Michael and Xochi Birch, it’s a labor of love. The Collective at Woolsery is no ordinary hotel, but something more like a southern Italian “albergo diffuso” — it encompasses the Farmers Arms pub, the neighboring chip shop, the J. Andrew Shop & Post Office, and the nearby Birch Farm.
Accordingly, the accommodations are divided — the four Shop Rooms and Suites each have their own personality, but all are crafted in a 1940s retro style, though upgraded with modern comforts like underfloor heating and Sonos sound systems. Meanwhile the three freestanding cottages sleep anywhere from two to eight, and step firmly into luxury territory. (A self-contained small hotel called Wulfheard Manor is in the works.)
The menu at the Farmers Arms is pub-inspired, of course, but thoroughly modern, and takes its local sourcing and its seasonal ingredients seriously. Even Woolsery Fish and Chips is a touch upscale, and the shop sells artisanal foodstuffs from local independent producers. For a first-hand look at an idealized version of Devon village life, there’s no place like it.
Accordingly, the accommodations are divided — the four Shop Rooms and Suites each have their own personality, but all are crafted in a 1940s retro style, though upgraded with modern comforts like underfloor heating and Sonos sound systems. Meanwhile the three freestanding cottages sleep anywhere from two to eight, and step firmly into luxury territory. (A self-contained small hotel called Wulfheard Manor is in the works.)
The menu at the Farmers Arms is pub-inspired, of course, but thoroughly modern, and takes its local sourcing and its seasonal ingredients seriously. Even Woolsery Fish and Chips is a touch upscale, and the shop sells artisanal foodstuffs from local independent producers. For a first-hand look at an idealized version of Devon village life, there’s no place like it.
The Collective at Woolsery
Post Office Cottage, Woolsery, Woolsery, UK
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Tarifas en MXN para 1 noche, 1 huésped
Tarifas en MXN para 1 noche, 1 huésped
Stay dates
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Oct 6
Oct 15
Rates shown in USD based on single occupancy.