Vidago Palace
Parque de Vidago, Apartado 16, ヴィダゴ, ポルトガル
70 部屋
伝統的&エレガント , 静かな
Maybe you’re not up to date on your Portuguese history. (Then again, maybe you are.) Anyway the striking Belle Époque facade tells you a thing or two: despite the Vidago Palace’s relatively remote location near the country’s northern border, the hotel has a grand past based on its strategic position. Built in 1910, it’s near the Chaves hot springs, famous since Roman times for their healing properties — and a longtime favorite of Portuguese kings. More than a century later, the hotel is just as glamorous as the day it opened. But the opulent interiors have been smartly adapted to suit modern tastes; the magnificent ballroom now houses the stylish Salão Nobre Dining Room, the region’s healing waters flow through the sleek marble spa, and the guest rooms and suites are smartly outfitted with floor-to-ceiling windows and quaint roll-top bathtubs.
Upstairs, the look is less traditionally Portuguese than dapper English countryside with a retro twist — buttoned-up, but with a sense of humor. Even the most standard rooms come with private wisteria-framed terraces, views of the park, and civilized seating areas with fancifully upholstered bergères chairs. Suites have separate living rooms, antique furnishings, leather sofas, and, perhaps most notably, exquisitely hand-painted de Gournay wallpaper.
Downstairs, the Vidago Palace aesthetic is distinctly aristocratic: rich drapery, gleaming marble staircases, stately columns, silk wallpaper, Venetian chandeliers, floors lined with colorful mosaics. As you’d expect, there are more venues for strolling, dining, and sipping well-prepared cocktails than you could possibly fit into a single visit, unless you’re staying for a week. There’s a great golf course and a fitness center, a well-stocked library, breakfast in the wrought-iron conservatory known as the Winter Garden, and Douro Valley wine tastings in the Cellar, gourmet salads by the spacious outdoor pool, and drinks in the ultra-modern Clubhouse. The highlight is, of course, the sparkling thermal spa offering treatments based around Vidago’s famous waters — if they were good enough for King Charles I, they’re probably good enough for you.
Upstairs, the look is less traditionally Portuguese than dapper English countryside with a retro twist — buttoned-up, but with a sense of humor. Even the most standard rooms come with private wisteria-framed terraces, views of the park, and civilized seating areas with fancifully upholstered bergères chairs. Suites have separate living rooms, antique furnishings, leather sofas, and, perhaps most notably, exquisitely hand-painted de Gournay wallpaper.
Downstairs, the Vidago Palace aesthetic is distinctly aristocratic: rich drapery, gleaming marble staircases, stately columns, silk wallpaper, Venetian chandeliers, floors lined with colorful mosaics. As you’d expect, there are more venues for strolling, dining, and sipping well-prepared cocktails than you could possibly fit into a single visit, unless you’re staying for a week. There’s a great golf course and a fitness center, a well-stocked library, breakfast in the wrought-iron conservatory known as the Winter Garden, and Douro Valley wine tastings in the Cellar, gourmet salads by the spacious outdoor pool, and drinks in the ultra-modern Clubhouse. The highlight is, of course, the sparkling thermal spa offering treatments based around Vidago’s famous waters — if they were good enough for King Charles I, they’re probably good enough for you.
Vidago Palace
Parque de Vidago, Apartado 16, ヴィダゴ, ポルトガル
スコアは、検証済みのゲストのレビューに基づいて 20 点満点で表示されます。 品質スコアは、私たちのセレクションが常に新鮮で重要なものであることを保証するのに役立ちます。
ミシュランガイドから直接予約をすれば、専門のトラベルスペシャリストがサポートしますのでご安心ください。. 最低料金を保証します。もっとお得な料金を見つけましたか?お知らせください。
- WiFi(無料)
- 駐車場(無料)
- 近隣の駐車場
- バレーパーキング
- バー
- ワインセラー
- ルームサービス
- レストラン
- 屋外プール(シーズンのみ営業)
- 屋内プール
- スパ
- スパトリートメント(リクエストに応じて)
- トルコ風呂
- サウナ
- ジャクジー
- ヨガ
- スチームルーム
- ジム
- 全館禁煙ホテル
- コンシェルジュ
- 24時間フロントデスク
- 往診サービス
- 隣同士の客室
- 空調
- ベビーシッター(リクエストに応じて)
- ガーデン
- バイリンガルスタッフ
- モーニングコール
- ライブラリー
- ラウンジ
- スーツケース預かり
- ペット同伴可
- ペット同伴可(追加料金あり)
- 宴会場・会議室
- ビジネスセンター
- 自転車レンタル
- ゴルフ場(近隣)
- ワインツアー
- ショッピングエリア(近隣)
- EV充電ステーション
- ベビーベッド(空き状況により)
- パーキング
- スイミングプール
- キッズクラブ
- テニスコート
- 車椅子にアクセス可能
- シャトルサービス
- ベビーベッドとエキストラベッドは、リクエストに応じてご利用いただけます。
- エキストラベッドには、子供は1名/1泊あたり40ユーロ、大人は1名/1泊あたり75ユーロの追加料金がかかります。
- 料金は2名での宿泊に基づいています。ただし、一部の客室カテゴリーでは、追加料金で3人目または4人目のゲストを追加できます。
Stay dates
Select check-in date
Oct 6
Oct 15
Rates shown in USD based on single occupancy.