
The Magic Forte dei Marmi

Via Giuseppe Verdi, 4B, フォルテ デイ マルミ, イタリア
5 部屋
最先端スタイル , 活気のある


1 泊料金(税込)
Forte dei Marmi, now a glamorous seaside resort, has an interesting connection to Italian art history. This Tuscan town, close to the Apuan Alps and their marble quarries, was an important trading hub for the region’s famous white Carrara marble — the very same used for Michelangelo’s David, among many other treasures. It makes sense that the Magic Collection Retreats, a hospitality brand inspired by art, should set up shop here. The Magic Forte dei Marmi is a modern villa that doubles as a showcase for contemporary Italian artists, featuring site-specific installations, original artworks, and one-of-a-kind design pieces inside and out.

The hotel has just a handful of suites, and each is unique. The minimalist décor is gallery-like — with white flooring, white walls, sophisticated lighting systems, and large windows letting in abundant sunshine — creating an ideal backdrop for the colorful art collection. One has a bathroom whimsically tiled in a yellow floral pattern, another has an art installation built from paperback books, and a third has a large private terrace with deck furniture covered in vibrant textiles. There’s a creative twist, too, to the hotel’s stylish cinema, open-air spa and fitness center, and quirky, mosaic-lined swimming pool. The Magic Forte dei Marmi is just a block from the beach, but complimentary bicycles make it easy to explore town.


The Magic Forte dei Marmi
Via Giuseppe Verdi, 4B, フォルテ デイ マルミ, イタリア







  • WiFi(無料)
  • 屋外プール(シーズンのみ営業)
  • スパトリートメント(リクエストに応じて)
  • ビューティーサロン
  • ヨガ
  • ジム
  • コンシェルジュ
  • 空調
  • ベビーシッター(リクエストに応じて)
  • ゲームルーム
  • ガーデン
  • バイリンガルスタッフ
  • モーニングコール
  • ルーフトップテラス・バー
  • ライブラリー
  • ラウンジ
  • ペット同伴可(追加料金あり)
  • 自転車レンタル
  • ワインツアー
  • ショッピングエリア(近隣)
  • EV充電ステーション
  • ベビーベッド(空き状況により)
  • パーキング
  • スイミングプール
  • ビーチフロント
  • シャトルサービス


  • Pets allowed upon request. Cribs are available on request free of charge for children ages 2 and under. Prices listed are for 1 or 2 persons maximum. Extra beds for additional persons are available: for children ages 3 - 12 at 60 EUR per child per night, and for guests ages 13 and up at 120 EUR per person per night.
チェックイン: 15:00
チェックアウト: 11:00

