
Funaokayama Shimizu

20-2 Murasakino Higashifunaokacho, Kita-ku, Kyoto, 603-8228, Japan
¥¥¥ · Japanese
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Funaokayama Shimizu

20-2 Murasakino Higashifunaokacho, Kita-ku, Kyoto, 603-8228, Japan
¥¥¥ · Japanese
You’ll find this Japanese restaurant in a residential area close to Funaokayama Park. The chef draws his water from Daitokuji Temple, gets his vegetables from farmers in Takagamine, and buys ingredients from various regions at the Central Market. He chose this location so he could focus fully on his craft. To honestly convey the flavours of his painstakingly selected ingredients, the chef avoids reliance on garnishes. Stripped to the bare essentials, his fare speaks with its own clear voice.


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