
Nyonya Willow

72-1-3 Arena Curve, Jalan Mahsuri, Bandar Sunway Tunas, Bayan Lepas, George Town, 11900, Malezya
$$ · Peranakan
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Nyonya Willow

72-1-3 Arena Curve, Jalan Mahsuri, Bandar Sunway Tunas, Bayan Lepas, George Town, 11900, Malezya
$$ · Peranakan
For an authentic slice of Penang culinary life, come to this shop tucked away in a residential neighbourhood frequented mostly by locals. The room decorated with vintage Nyonya photos and motifs heralds a feast of northern Peranakan specialities. The signature gulai tumis (tamarind fish curry) is a sour and spicy recipe passed down by the owner's mother. Their assam prawn is known for its sour-sweetness. Save room for the heart-warming desserts. 
