Hasbrouck House

3805 Main Street, Estados Unidos
17 Habitaciones
Clásico contemporáneo y Aislado
The Hudson Valley has long served as a weekend getaway for New Yorkers, and the minds behind the most sought-after lodgings understand the assignment, providing an outdoorsy escape without sacrificing style. The Hasbrouck House is a prime example. The 18th-century Dutch Colonial mansion, set on a park-like estate with a private lake in Stone Ridge, about a two-hour drive from the city, was once the country home of a wealthy family. The New York-based Akiva Reich & Co. oversaw its transformation into a luxury boutique hotel, turning the carriage house and stables into elegant guest quarters, installing a chic farm-to-table restaurant, Butterfield, on the ground level of the main house, and modernizing the 100-year-old swimming pool.

Rooms are understated and charming, with period details like brick fireplace facades and steeply pitched ceilings. No two are alike, but all are bright and elegant with hardwood floors, hand-woven rugs, cozy beds made up with Frette linens and down comforters, and a mix of modern and antique pieces. Suites in the carriage house are particularly inviting, with extra features like in-room soaking tubs, kitchenettes, and gas fireplaces, and a freestanding cottage on the property offers more space and privacy, plus a spacious eat-in kitchen and a bathroom lined in Carrara marble. An après-ski-inspired outdoor lounge is a fanciful spot for cocktails after hiking or wandering around the grounds, and in summer, the hotel sets up a big screen on the lawn for its outdoor film series.


Hasbrouck House
3805 Main Street, Estados Unidos

Puntuación y Reseñas de los Huéspedes

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Tarifas en MXN para 1 noche, 1 huésped
Stay dates
0 night
30 Jun - 1 Jul
Select check-in date
Oct 6
Oct 15
Rates shown in USD based on single occupancy.
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