Pendry Park City

2417 High Mountain Road, Park City, Estados Unidos
152 Habitaciones
Vanguardista y De moda
Una Llave MICHELIN · Una estancia especial
It took some time for the boutique-hotel revolution to reach the ski towns of North America, but it’s safe to say it’s officially arrived. The first mountain resort from Montage’s design-oriented Pendry brand is the Pendry Park City, which is at once the most stylish resort in the Park City area and the most luxurious entry in the Canyons Village resort area. Expect the classic timber-lodge paradigm to start looking uncomfortably dated any day now.

The Pendry has everything a classic lodge would have — ski-in/ski-out access, cozy wintertime comforts, an extensive spa and wellness program — and it does it while looking as modern as any city-center luxury boutique hotel. The rooms are exceedingly comfortable, but clean-lined as well, without a hint of alpine kitsch. Pillow-top mattresses and marble bathrooms with walk-in showers are much appreciated after a day on the slopes (or the trails), and the suites and residences add extras like full kitchens, fireplaces, and terraces.

Restaurants include Kita, a Japanese grill, as well as Disco Pizza, which is, improbably enough, more or less exactly what it sounds like. There’s also the Pool House Bar & Grille, oriented around the swimming pool in summer and the fireside in winter, and there’s Après Pendry, a European-inspired après-ski lounge with an open fireplace and a surplus of deep sofas and armchairs.


Pendry Park City
2417 High Mountain Road, Park City, Estados Unidos

Puntuación y Reseñas de los Huéspedes

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Habitaciones y tarifas

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Tarifas en MXN para 1 noche, 1 huésped
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0 night
30 Jun - 1 Jul
Select check-in date
Oct 6
Oct 15
Rates shown in USD based on single occupancy.
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