Montage Kapalua Bay

1 Bay Dr, Isla de Maui, Estados Unidos
56 Habitaciones
Clásico contemporáneo y Animado
Dos Llaves MICHELIN · Una estancia excepcional
The Montage resorts aren’t known for thinking small, and Montage Kapalua Bay, on the northwest coast of Maui, fits perfectly into the family. Despite its relatively modest capacity — just 56 units — it’s got the facilities of a much larger resort, as well as a privileged location that’s flanked by a pair of golf courses, a nature reserve, and a marine reserve with some phenomenal diving and snorkeling. Safe to say you’ll be hard pressed to think of anything that’s missing.

Those 56 units are all suites, or Residences, in Montage’s parlance; aptly named, given that they’ve all got full kitchens, wine fridges, laundry machines, and soaking tubs in marble bathrooms. The one-bedrooms sleep up to four, thanks to a sleeper sofa, and they come in configurations up to four-bedroom — all of them outfitted in a contemporary style that suits its island environment without lapsing into tropical kitsch.

Meanwhile the Spa Montage spans everything from quasi-medical spa treatments to sauna and steam rooms, a gym and movement studio, and a long list of fitness classes. You’re also surrounded by ample opportunities for less structured exercise, from tennis courts and hiking trails to stand-up paddle lessons. And while there’s only one restaurant, it’s not one you’ll tire of — its indoor-outdoor space is covered by a soaring canoe-house ceiling, and the menu features fresh seafood, local produce, and fine wine in faultess combination.


Montage Kapalua Bay
1 Bay Dr, Isla de Maui, Estados Unidos

Puntuación y Reseñas de los Huéspedes

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Habitaciones y tarifas

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Tarifas en MXN para 1 noche, 1 huésped
Stay dates
0 night
30 Jun - 1 Jul
Select check-in date
Oct 6
Oct 15
Rates shown in USD based on single occupancy.
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