Nira Caledonia
6 & 10 Gloucester Place, Edinburgh, UK
26 Habitaciones
Clásico contemporáneo y Animado
A pair of stunningly well-preserved Georgian townhouses in Edinburgh’s New Town provides the setting for Nira Caledonia, a high-end boutique hotel that ticks all the boxes, from local color and historical character to luxe, thoughtful comforts and swanky contemporary style.
Are we making it sound too easy? You can’t fake style like this — beginning with the listed buildings, which mean unique floor plans, and no elevators, just a grand spiral staircase. Inside the rooms all the clichés of Scottish kitsch are studiously avoided — the décor is clean and contemporary, with subtle nods rather than full-blown bows to the past. Elegant, never precious. Small luxuries like Nespresso machines are universal; large ones like Jacuzzis are present at the top end.
And the public spaces hold up their end of the bargain. The restaurant, Blackwoods, is a fine exponent of contemporary Scottish cooking, which means first-rate ingredients and modern techniques — and some ancient techniques too, especially behind the bar, where you’ll find more than 25 varieties of Scotch whisky, including the hotel’s own bottle.
Are we making it sound too easy? You can’t fake style like this — beginning with the listed buildings, which mean unique floor plans, and no elevators, just a grand spiral staircase. Inside the rooms all the clichés of Scottish kitsch are studiously avoided — the décor is clean and contemporary, with subtle nods rather than full-blown bows to the past. Elegant, never precious. Small luxuries like Nespresso machines are universal; large ones like Jacuzzis are present at the top end.
And the public spaces hold up their end of the bargain. The restaurant, Blackwoods, is a fine exponent of contemporary Scottish cooking, which means first-rate ingredients and modern techniques — and some ancient techniques too, especially behind the bar, where you’ll find more than 25 varieties of Scotch whisky, including the hotel’s own bottle.
Nira Caledonia
6 & 10 Gloucester Place, Edinburgh, UK
Puntuación y Reseñas de los Huéspedes
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Las valoraciones están en una escala de 20 puntos, a partir de reseñas verificadas de huéspedes. El puntaje de calidad ayuda a garantizar que nuestra selección se mantenga fresca y vital.
Habitaciones y tarifas
Reserva directamente en la Guía MICHELIN. Nuestros especialistas en viajes están de guardia y listos para ayudar. Los mejores precios garantizados. ¿Encontraste una tarifa mejor? Háznoslo saber.
Tarifas en MXN para 1 noche, 1 huésped
Tarifas en MXN para 1 noche, 1 huésped
Stay dates
Select check-in date
Oct 6
Oct 15
Rates shown in USD based on single occupancy.