Apex Waterloo Place
23-27 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh, UK
187 Habitaciones
Clásico contemporáneo y Animado
The UK’s Apex hotel group is carving out a niche for itself as a purveyor of what you could call sub-extravagant luxury. Certainly in London, and to a lesser extent in Edinburgh, there’s a great rush to cater to the stratospherically wealthy, devising ludicrously exclusive amenities and comically lavish accommodations, leaving mere mortals with fewer options all the time. Unto the breach goes Apex, whose Apex Waterloo Place, near Edinburgh’s Waverley station, is a fine illustration of the brand’s finely tuned posh-o-meter.
As a hotel it dates back to the nineteenth century, and its historic facade gives little hint of the vibrant colors and rich textures inside. A 2009 renovation has seen to it that the style is perfectly in keeping with contemporary British hotel modernism, brighter and more clean-lined than you might expect from so stately a Georgian establishment. The rooms are all quite up to date in functional terms as well, with 42-inch televisions and plentiful work space, and the bathrooms are suitably well-equipped, right down to the rubber duck, a trademark Apex gesture. City Doubles are efficient and not at all cramped, and by the time you get into the Deluxes, to say nothing of the suites, you’re in proper luxury-hotel territory, star ratings be damned.
As a hotel it dates back to the nineteenth century, and its historic facade gives little hint of the vibrant colors and rich textures inside. A 2009 renovation has seen to it that the style is perfectly in keeping with contemporary British hotel modernism, brighter and more clean-lined than you might expect from so stately a Georgian establishment. The rooms are all quite up to date in functional terms as well, with 42-inch televisions and plentiful work space, and the bathrooms are suitably well-equipped, right down to the rubber duck, a trademark Apex gesture. City Doubles are efficient and not at all cramped, and by the time you get into the Deluxes, to say nothing of the suites, you’re in proper luxury-hotel territory, star ratings be damned.
Apex Waterloo Place
23-27 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh, UK
Puntuación y Reseñas de los Huéspedes
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Habitaciones y tarifas
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Tarifas en MXN para 1 noche, 1 huésped
Tarifas en MXN para 1 noche, 1 huésped
Stay dates
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Oct 6
Oct 15
Rates shown in USD based on single occupancy.