Villa di PIazzano

Località Piazzano,7, Tuoro sul Trasimeno, イタリア
28 部屋
上品&コンテンポラリー , 静かな
1 泊料金(税込)


Every part of Italy has its own unique identity, but Villa di Piazzano almost seems like it exists solely to prove a point: the dividing line between Tuscany and Umbria literally runs through the hotel’s grounds, which means that rather than represent some essential characteristics of one or the other region, it’s free simply to be itself. And what it is, whether Tuscan or Umbrian, is an extraordinary hotel, a Renaissance-era villa that’s been expanded to 31 rooms and suites and transformed into an exquisitely tasteful luxury boutique hotel.

Though it’s set just ten minutes’ drive from Cortona, its immediate surroundings are a protected natural reserve, which lends a distinctly pastoral flavor to this one-time hunting manor. And while the villa has been renovated and expanded, its style remains decidedly historical in aspect — though functionally modern, aesthetically the Villa di Piazzano is still a 15th-century throwback. Space is plentiful in the rooms and suites, and the estate, with its rambling gardens and its lovely little pool, offers plenty of opportunity for pleasant diversion. Naturally the food and wine is up to the highest standard as well — L’Antica Casina di Caccia, the fine-dining restaurant, is highly regarded, as is the more casual Bistrò, and cooking classes are available several days a week.







Villa di PIazzano
Località Piazzano,7, Tuoro sul Trasimeno, イタリア


  • WiFi(無料)
  • 駐車場(無料)
  • 近隣の駐車場
  • バー
  • ワインセラー
  • ルームサービス
  • レストラン
  • 屋外プール(シーズンのみ営業)
  • ヨガ
  • ジム
  • 全館禁煙ホテル
  • コンシェルジュ
  • 24時間フロントデスク
  • 往診サービス
  • 空調
  • ガーデン
  • バイリンガルスタッフ
  • モーニングコール
  • ラウンジ
  • スーツケース預かり
  • ペット同伴不可
  • 自転車レンタル
  • ワインツアー
  • ショッピングエリア(近隣)
  • EV充電ステーション
  • パーキング
  • スイミングプール
  • 車椅子にアクセス可能
  • シャトルサービス
  • 指定喫煙エリア


  • 10歳未満のお子様の宿泊はご遠慮ください。
チェックイン: 15:00
チェックアウト: 11:00

