
Wildlife Retreat at Taronga

2a Bradleys Head Road, シドニー, オーストラリア
62 部屋
現代的デザイン , 静かな


1 泊料金(税込)
The idea of a zoo hotel — not located near a zoo, but actually on the grounds of one — is something of a novelty. It’s particularly noteworthy when the zoo in question is considered one of the best in the world. The Wildlife Retreat at Taronga is located inside Taronga Zoo Sydney, and when front desk staff mention that it’s possible to wake up to a kangaroo hopping by or a koala clinging to a tree outside your window, they’re not exaggerating — and every stay comes with a two-day admission and a guided afternoon tour of the sanctuary.

Rivaling the wildlife views are the postcard-like panoramas of the city skyline. This modern eco-lodge looks across the water at the Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge, a scene that’s showcased to dazzling effect in the hotel’s airy central lounge and revealed through many rooms’ floor-to-ceiling windows.

The hotel, which is owned and operated by the Taronga Conservation Society Australia, consists of five interconnected low-rise structures, sustainably built and designed to blend into the landscape. Inside, the look is safari-chic, with clean lines, natural hues, and materials including timber, recycled metal, and blonde sandstone. Some rooms have direct views of the zoo’s Sanctuary, a native animal habitat created only for guests’ enjoyment, while the largest suites, positioned amid the treetops, feature luxurious spa bathrooms with freestanding tubs.


Wildlife Retreat at Taronga
2a Bradleys Head Road, シドニー, オーストラリア







  • WiFi(無料)
  • 駐車場(無料)
  • 近隣の駐車場
  • バー
  • レストラン
  • 全館禁煙ホテル
  • 24時間フロントデスク
  • 隣同士の客室
  • 空調
  • ガーデン
  • バイリンガルスタッフ
  • モーニングコール
  • ラウンジ
  • スーツケース預かり
  • ペット同伴不可
  • EV充電ステーション
  • パーキング
  • 車椅子にアクセス可能


  • Children over 12 years old must be booked as an adult.
  • The minimum age for check-in is 18 years old.
  • Refunds may take up to 6 - 8 weeks to process. All refunds will be processed back to the original card of payment only
  • A valid credit card and photo identification matching the name on your reservation is required to check in to the Wildlife Retreat.
  • The Wildlife Retreat is a cashless facility and accepts card payments only
  • Guests are required at all times to behave in a manner consistent with Taronga’s Animal Welfare Charter.
  • Children must be supervised at all times within the Wildlife Retreat and all bookings require an accompanying adult over the age of 18
  • The Wildlife Retreat is a non-smoking property. Smoking is only permitted outside of the site boundary
  • Balloons and confetti are not allowed on the premises as they pose a significant risk to wildlife on site
  • The hotel reserve the right to request guests to leave if they behave in a manner that impacts the enjoyment of other guests or poses a risk to other guests, staff and the animals in our care. Furthermore, if any damages occur due to misuse of the room, the hotel reserve the right to charge you the full cost of reparation.
チェックイン: 14:00
チェックアウト: 10:00



  • 空室時の省エネ
  • 再生可能エネルギーの利用
  • 高効率エネルギー冷暖房の使用
  • 省エネ型照明の使用
  • 環境配慮型製品を使用した清掃
  • 環境に配慮したシャンプーや石鹸を常備
  • ゲストにリネンやタオルの再利用を推奨
  • プラスチックストロー不使用
  • プラスチック製アメニティ不使用
  • 使い捨てプラスチック製品不使用
  • 電気自動車用充電器の提供
  • 地元産の野菜を使用
  • 地元の食材を使った季節のメニューを提供
  • ヴィーガン対応メニュー有り
  • 生ゴミの堆肥化
  • フードロス削減
  • オーガニック/ナチュールワインを提供
  • 地元企業との繋がり
  • 現地雇用を促進し、公正な賃金、福利厚生、昇進機会を提供
  • 地域社会のニーズを積極的に支援
  • サステナビリティに関する社員教育
  • 地元の文化遺産に関する研修
  • ゲストやスタッフにボランティア活動の機会を提供
  • 自然の生態系維持と野生生物の保護
  • 水使用量の測定と節水の促進
  • 二酸化炭素排出量の測定と削減