Sugar Beach, A Viceroy Resort
Val des Pitons, Forbidden Beach, La Baie de Silence, スフレ, セントルシア
130 部屋
上品&コンテンポラリー , 静かな
The old Jalousie Plantation joins the growing Viceroy portfolio, re-opening after some considerable improvements as Sugar Beach, a Viceroy Resort. Of course this was always one of the region’s hidden gems, starting with St. Lucia itself, always the tonier, more secluded end of the Caribbean. It’s an island that doesn’t lack for natural beauty, but even in that context Sugar Beach’s hundred acres of rainforest are something special, nestled as they are between the island’s twin volcanoes. And it may be the breathtaking white sand beach, the only one on the island, that pushes it over the top.
The old sugar plantation provides the skeleton for the hotel’s current incarnation. The Sugar Mill rooms are a vision in white, and pack in a lot of luxury, including walled gardens and plunge pools. The majority of the lodgings are freestanding villas, however, some of colonial vintage, while others are modern approximations of the classic colonial style. Aesthetically they’re all true to the island’s heritage but functionally they’re quite modern, from the air conditioning to the internet access to the private plunge pools. All, it should be said, have seen plenty of recent attention — the transition from Jalousie Plantation to Sugar Beach has left the accommodations in top form. And the high end now scales new heights: beachfront bungalows and two-, three- and four-bedroom Luxury Residences are now on the menu.
It’s a pleasant enough place to lounge, to say the least, whether in the spa or on the beach, but active travelers are catered to as well. Rainforest hikes and volcano’s-edge jeep tours offer a chance to get in touch with the tropical environment, and traditional beachfront sports like water-skiing and beach volleyball are live options as well. Not long ago the Caribbean’s great Achilles heel might have been the cuisine, but Sugar Beach is hearing none of it — the venues here are upscale but not fussy or precious, adding some refinement to Caribbean cooking without losing touch with the local traditions and produce.
How to get there:
Sugar Beach is located 26 miles (45 min) from the Hewanorra International Airport at Vieux Fort.
The old sugar plantation provides the skeleton for the hotel’s current incarnation. The Sugar Mill rooms are a vision in white, and pack in a lot of luxury, including walled gardens and plunge pools. The majority of the lodgings are freestanding villas, however, some of colonial vintage, while others are modern approximations of the classic colonial style. Aesthetically they’re all true to the island’s heritage but functionally they’re quite modern, from the air conditioning to the internet access to the private plunge pools. All, it should be said, have seen plenty of recent attention — the transition from Jalousie Plantation to Sugar Beach has left the accommodations in top form. And the high end now scales new heights: beachfront bungalows and two-, three- and four-bedroom Luxury Residences are now on the menu.
It’s a pleasant enough place to lounge, to say the least, whether in the spa or on the beach, but active travelers are catered to as well. Rainforest hikes and volcano’s-edge jeep tours offer a chance to get in touch with the tropical environment, and traditional beachfront sports like water-skiing and beach volleyball are live options as well. Not long ago the Caribbean’s great Achilles heel might have been the cuisine, but Sugar Beach is hearing none of it — the venues here are upscale but not fussy or precious, adding some refinement to Caribbean cooking without losing touch with the local traditions and produce.
How to get there:
Sugar Beach is located 26 miles (45 min) from the Hewanorra International Airport at Vieux Fort.
Sugar Beach, A Viceroy Resort
Val des Pitons, Forbidden Beach, La Baie de Silence, スフレ, セントルシア
スコアは、検証済みのゲストのレビューに基づいて 20 点満点で表示されます。 品質スコアは、私たちのセレクションが常に新鮮で重要なものであることを保証するのに役立ちます。
ミシュランガイドから直接予約をすれば、専門のトラベルスペシャリストがサポートしますのでご安心ください。. 最低料金を保証します。もっとお得な料金を見つけましたか?お知らせください。
- WiFi(無料)
- 駐車場(無料)
- バー
- ルームサービス
- レストラン
- 24時間ルームサービス
- 屋外プール
- スパ
- サウナ
- ビューティーサロン
- ヨガ
- ジム
- 全館禁煙ホテル
- コンシェルジュ
- 隣同士の客室
- 空調
- ベビーシッター(リクエストに応じて)
- ゲームルーム
- ガーデン
- バイリンガルスタッフ
- モーニングコール
- ラウンジ
- スーツケース預かり
- パーキング
- スイミングプール
- キッズクラブ
- ビーチフロント
- テニスコート
- 0~2歳未満のお子様は、ベビーベッドを無料でご利用いただけます。
- エキストラベッドは、3歳以上のお客様には、1名1泊あたり65ドルでご利用いただけます。
- 対象となるプラス予約:クレジットと割引は、特に明記されていない限り、チェックアウト時に現地通貨で適用されます。クレジットは付随費用にのみ有効で、使用しない場合は没収されます。
- 高効率エネルギー冷暖房の使用
- 省エネ型照明の使用
- ゲストにリネンやタオルの再利用を推奨
- プラスチックストロー不使用
- プラスチック製アメニティ不使用
- 敷地内で有機野菜の生産や水耕栽培を実施
- 地元産の野菜を使用
- 地元の食材を使った季節のメニューを提供
- ヴィーガン対応メニュー有り
- 余剰食材の販売・寄付
- フードロス削減
- 地元企業との繋がり
- 現地雇用を促進し、公正な賃金、福利厚生、昇進機会を提供
- 地域社会のニーズを積極的に支援
- サステナビリティに関する社員教育
- 地元の文化遺産に関する研修
- ゲストやスタッフにボランティア活動の機会を提供
- 自然の生態系維持と野生生物の保護
- 水使用量の測定と節水の促進
Stay dates
Select check-in date
Oct 6
Oct 15
Rates shown in USD based on single occupancy.