
Ergon Beach House Nikiti

Nikiti 630 88, Nikiti Beach, Nikiti Beach, ギリシャ
36 部屋
現代的デザイン , 活気のある
1 泊料金(税込)


Ergon means “vocation,” and in this case, the profession is one of a culinary nature. The Ergon brand is responsible for dozens of high-end Mediterranean food shops and restaurants, including a bakery (and boutique hotel) in Athens. Ergon Beach House is the latest addition to the collection. Eating well is a major focus here, and there’s no question the oceanfront restaurant and bar deliver on that promise. But the hotel is noteworthy on its own, not only for its location, on the Halkidiki peninsula’s Nikiti Beach, but for its glamping-style lodgings and inclusive, no-need-to-leave setup, where everything from morning yoga classes to open-air film screenings has already been thought of and provided.

Right on the sand is a picturesque beach club with neat rows of sunbeds and thatched umbrellas; set slightly back from the water, amid olive and pine trees, are tents, cabanas, suites, and villas that blend easily into the coastal landscape. No one’s roughing it here — even the simplest tent features air-conditioning, a large TV, a Marshall speaker, an espresso machine, a minibar with Ergon goodies, and an open-air shower. All tents have a private patio, garden, or pool, as do the larger cabanas, suites, and villas. The interiors are down-to-earth, outfitted in crisp whites and natural materials like linen and raffia.

The gourmet food bar turns out first-rate salads, sandwiches, iced coffee, and craft cocktails to guests lounging by the beach or relaxing under rustic pergolas, and a more formal restaurant handles evening meals, which are served communally at big wooden tables in the garden. Between eating and drinking, there’s little to do but doze, swim, and sunbathe, though an outdoor gym and playground await those with energy to spare. Under the stars at night, an open-air cinema shows classic films paired with Greek wines and savory snacks.







Ergon Beach House Nikiti
Nikiti 630 88, Nikiti Beach, Nikiti Beach, ギリシャ


  • WiFi(無料)
  • 駐車場(無料)
  • ルームサービス
  • レストラン
  • ヨガ
  • ジム
  • コンシェルジュ
  • 24時間フロントデスク
  • 隣同士の客室
  • 空調
  • ガーデン
  • バイリンガルスタッフ
  • スーツケース預かり
  • ペット同伴可
  • ペット同伴可(追加料金あり)
  • 自転車レンタル
  • ベビーベッド(空き状況により)


  • 13歳以上のお客様は大人とみなされます。
  • 当ホテルではVISAとMastercardのみご利用いただけます。
チェックイン: 11:00
チェックアウト: 15:00



  • 空室時の省エネ
  • 高効率エネルギー冷暖房の使用
  • 省エネ型照明の使用
  • 環境配慮型製品を使用した清掃
  • 環境に配慮したシャンプーや石鹸を常備
  • ゲストにリネンやタオルの再利用を推奨
  • プラスチックストロー不使用
  • プラスチック製アメニティ不使用
  • 地元産の野菜を使用
  • 地元の食材を使った季節のメニューを提供
  • ヴィーガン対応メニュー有り
  • フードロス削減
  • 地元企業との繋がり
  • 地域社会のニーズを積極的に支援
  • サステナビリティに関する社員教育
  • 地元の文化遺産に関する研修