Vila Kalango

R. da Dunas, 30, ジェリコアコアラ, ブラジル
24 部屋
上品&コンテンポラリー , 静かな
1 泊料金(税込)


If you stumble over the name Jericoacoara — or if you’ve never even heard of the place — you’re not alone. The idyllic stretch of sand and sea is located far, far away from Rio and Buzios on the quiet northern coast of Brazil; twenty-odd years ago, this mellow fishing village didn’t even have electricity. After the government declared the region a national park in 2002, Jericoacoara became something of a windsurfers’ mecca, but the place still feels stuck in a dreamy past of sand-covered lanes and swaying hammocks.

Vila Kalango fits easily into the natural landscape. Comprised of stilted houses and private bungalows made from eucalytpus, mud bricks, straw and locally sourced timber, the pousada sits squarely on the village’s main beach. The look is stylish but down-to-earth: wide-plank wood floors, exposed brick, colorful tapestries woven by native artisans, four-poster beds canopied with romantic (and very practical) mosquito nets. Guests can opt for modern comforts like air conditioning and wifi, or go au naturel with a sea breeze and a great book. (If the lack of flat-screen TVs and in-room telephones is any indication, the owners clearly encourage the latter.)

There’s a kitesurfing school, a spa, and a rustic open-air restaurant where fresh fish is served by candlelight. The terrace pool is a magnet at sunset; kick back in a wooden chaise for the house speciality, a frozen caipirinha. After a couple of those, the name Jericoacoara might even roll off your tongue. If not, just call it Jeri — the locals are too relaxed to notice or care.

Travel advisory: Passport and visa requirements differ from country to country. Please check with your local authority before booking.

How to get there: Vila Kalango is located four hours’ drive from Fortaleza Pinto Martins International Airport. Transfers can be arranged for BRL500, for up to four guests, each way.







Vila Kalango
R. da Dunas, 30, ジェリコアコアラ, ブラジル


  • WiFi(無料)
  • バー
  • レストラン
  • 屋外プール
  • スパ
  • スパトリートメント(リクエストに応じて)
  • ビューティーサロン
  • ヨガ
  • コンシェルジュ
  • 隣同士の客室
  • 空調
  • ガーデン
  • ラウンジ
  • スーツケース預かり
  • ペット同伴可
  • ペット同伴可(追加料金あり)
  • ショッピングエリア(近隣)
  • スイミングプール
  • ビーチフロント
  • シャトルサービス


  • お子様に関するポリシー:大人2名と同室にご宿泊の場合、06歳未満のお子様1名まで無料でご宿泊いただけます。6歳未満のお子様が同室に2名ご宿泊の場合、1名様は無料で、もう1名様は追加ゲストとみなされます。
チェックイン: 14:00
チェックアウト: 12:00
